How to Navigate

ClaRE offers fast and easy navigation. Visitors may jump from the Home page to any of the four archives (GEMS, EMEC, EMEGA, CoLEEn) by simply clicking on the buttons on the home page.

The menu buttons are: The Project (for a brief description of the ClaRE project), Criteria (on what we mean by diplomatic, semidiplomatic, and modernised editions), References (for bibliographical information specific for each archive and a list of publications stemming from the project), Appendices (featuring short notes focused on specific issues arisen during our investigation), Team (for a list of the team members of the four units), and Contact (for information on how to contact the PIs of the units or, in general, the team).

If you click on a document featured in GEMS, EMEC, or EMEGA, you will find on its main page the following navigation options:

  1. You can select the semidiplomatic and modernised edition (as well as the diplomatic edition in GEMS and EMEC) of the chosen text by clicking on the ‘eye symbol’ and you can also compare them by selecting the “compare” button. Below you will also find a short introduction, a witness description, a selected bibliography, and some keywords. Diplomatic editions can be downloaded as pdfs or viewed online by clicking on the buttons with the same name.
  2. Alternatively, as far as GEMS and EMEC are concerned, you can remain on the landing page of the selected archive and click on the Search button, which will bring you to a page featuring all the texts of the selected archive as well as a table where you can search the data you are interested in, such as authors, dates, languages, genres, dramaturgical devices, etc.

In some cases, the modernised editions have a tool which enables a comparison between them and their hypertexts (for instance, the Greek or Latin source of a given text): you can choose which columns to visualise by flagging which versions you want in “Visible columns”. Some texts are also linked to each other: click on the “Correlated texts” link.

In the modernised editions, popup windows denoting a note (divided in three types: Editorial notes, Variants, and Glosses) will appear on the right. They are signalled in the text through a red underlining: by clicking on any underlined word, you will be led to the relevant note. A small red arrow at the beginning of a paragraph means that that paragraph contains a note.