The Passing Measure Pavan

2 singles and a double forward and 2 singles side, reprise back.



A double forward, reprise back 4 times, 2 singles, a double forward, reprise back twice, a double forward, reprise back 4 times.


My Lord of Essex Measure

A double forward, 1 single side 4 times, 2 singles side, a double forward, reprise back.



A double forward, reprise back once, 2 singles, a double round both ways. A double forward, reprise back 3 times, 2 singles, a double round both ways.


The Old Almain

2 singles, a double round both ways, 4 doubles forward, 2 singles, a double round both ways.


The Queen’s Almain

2 singles forward, cast off a double round, 2 singles side, reprise back twice, 4 doubles forward, 2 singles forward, cast off a double round, 2 singles side, reprise back twice.


Cecilia Pavan

1 single, a double forward, 1 single side, reprise back a double forward, 2 singles side and 6 back twice, 2 singles, a double forward, reprise back twice, 1 single, a double forward, 1 single side, reprise back, a double forward, 2 singles side and 6 back twice.


Cecilia Almain

2 Singles and a double forward, 1 single side twice, part, 2 singles side and honour, change places with 2 singles and a double, then honour and embrace, 2 singles side and honour, 2 singles, a double into your own place again, then honour and embrace.


The Black Almain

4 doubles forward, part, a double back, a double forward, a double side long on the left leg, and a double on the right leg. 2 singles forward, 2 singles round, 1 after another, by both hands a double round on the left hand and travis[1] 4.


La Down Sella[2]

2 doubles forward, 2 singles side, a double forward, reprise back twice, 2 singles forward, cast off a double round twice, the Pavan over travis 4 forward, reprise back twice.


La Bonetta[3]

The Pavan twice over, 2 doubles forward, 2 singles side, reprise back twice, a double and 6 forward, 1 single side, reprise back twice.


Lasche Misa[4]

2 doubles forward, 2 singles side twice, the Pavan once over, by both hands and a double round both ways, part, a double side long on the left hand, a double on the right hand, 2 singles side, turn a double round on the left hand, 2 singles side and turn a double round on the right hand.


La Passarella[5]

2 doubles forward, 2 long singles side, 2 singles forward, cast off a double, and turn you and do 2 singles and a double forward the other way, and turn you again at the end of the double, 4 doubles forward, 2 long singles side, a double forward, part and turn in a double twice.



[1] “The ‘travis’ can be four sideways steps (slips) in the time of a double step” (Daye and Thorp 2018, 38).

[2] I.e. “La Damselle” (French for a young lady).
[3] Indicated in the Mulliner book by its French name “La Bounette” (while in this MS it sounds definitely Italian), this dance is a kind of double (or common) French Brawl.
[4] I.e. “La Chemise” (French for shirt).
[5] Italian for forstage (theatre) or runway.