Courtiers’ Libraries in Elizabethan England is a catalogue of classical books collected in the libraries of the Elizabethan Courtiers.

Showing 1-50 of 1,655 items.
E / JList+# (e.g. R101, BU13)OwnerOwner datesOwner 2Owner 2 datesList entryAuthor(Editor)TitleUniform titleDateLanguagePlacePrinterFormat (2°, 4°…)ESTC #USTC (U) or other (SNB, etc)Owned copy present locationKnown copiesMarginalia annotationsNotes
Tow023Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Apuleius. in 8°.Apuleius Metamorphoses (?) Lat
Tow049Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Aristotles peripateticorum &c in 4°.Aristotle Opera Gr + Lat (?)
Tow029Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Aristotiles Problemata. in 8.Aristotle ProblemataProblemata Gr + Lat (?)
Tow037Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Aristotles de Arte Dicendi in 4°.Aristotle RhetoricaRhetorica Gr + Lat (?)
Tow160Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Augustini De Doctrinae Christiana in 4°.Augustine of Hippo De doctrina ChristianaDe doctrina Christiana1482LatCologneBartholomaeus de Unkel 743115
Tow164Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Augustini Encharidion. in 4°.Augustine of Hippo Enchiridion de fide, spe et caritateEnchiridion ad Laurentium1467LatCologneUlrich Zel 743119
Tow158Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Augustini meditationes & Soliloquia & manuale. in 4°.Augustine of Hippo Meditationes, Soliloquia et ManualeMeditationes; Soliloquia animae ad Deum; Manuale Lat
Tow055Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Aulus Gellius. in 4°.Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae Lat (?)
Tow051Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Caesars Comentaryes in latin, in 4°Caesar Commentarii de bello Gallico (?); Commentarii de bello civili (?) Lat
ETow123Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Comentaries de Caesar. in fol.Caesar Commentarii de bello Gallico (?); Commentarii de bello civili (?) Lat
Tow146Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Caesaris coment libr 8. in 4°.Caesar Commentarii de bello Gallico (?); Commentarii de bello civili (?) Lat
Tow024Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Cicero De Oratore in 4°.Cicero De oratoreDe oratore Lat
Tow025Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Cicero de Philosophia in 8°.Cicero De philosophiaOpera Lat
Tow026Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Cicero his orations 3. volumen in 8°.Cicero OrationesOrationes Lat
Tow062Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Quintus Curtius Histor. in 4°.Curtius RufusJohn BrendeThe historie of Quintus Curcius, contayning the actes of the greate Alexander translated out of Laten by J. Brende.Historiae Alexandri Magni1553EnglLondonRichard Tottell6197411
Tow038Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Diogenes Philoso: grec & la. in 4°.Diogenes Laertius De vita et moribus philosophorumVitae et sententiae philosophorum Gr + Lat (?)
Tow030Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion. in 4°.EpictetusArrian; Angelo Poliziano; Jakob SchegkEnchiridionEnchiridion1600GrLyonEustache Vignon 154740
Tow114Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Josippus de bello judaico. in 4°.Flavius JosephusErasmusDe bello judaico, libri septemDe bello Judaico1528LatLyonSébastien Gryphe 155772
Tow027Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Heliodorus. in 8°.Heliodorus of Emesa Historia AethiopicaAethiopica Gr + Lat (?)
Tow150Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Justini ex Trogi Pompeia historia. in 4°.Justin Epitome historiarum Pompei TrogiEpitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii Lat
Tow268Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Juvenall in 8°.Juvenal SaturaeSatirae Lat 835193Magdalen College Library, Oxford
Tow022Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Lactantius. in 8°.Lactantius Opera Lat
Tow044Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Lucian Samosatensis Dialogs: &c. in 4°.Lucian Dialogi Gr + Lat (?)
Tow045Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Lucian Dialogorum. in 4°.Lucian Dialogi Gr + Lat (?)
Tow036Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Eratoshenes. in 4°.LysiasAndrew Downes Eratosthenes, hoc est, brevis et luculenta defensio Lysiae, praelectionibus illustrata A. Dunaei.De caede Eratosthenis1593EnglCambridgeJohn Legat6180755
Tow102Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Martial Epigram: [Epigrammata] in (Caesaris Amph:: in fo:MartialThéodore MarcileEpigrammata in Caesaris amphitheatrumLiber de spectaculis1584LatParisGilles Beys 170713
ETow032Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Ovid heroidum Epistola &c. in 4°.Ovid Heroides, Epistulae ab Ponto, otherHeroides; Ex Ponto Lat
Tow050Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637In Auli persi Poet &c Satyras. 4°PersiusEilhard LubinIn Auli Persi poetarum doctissimi obscurissimi satyras paraphrasis scholastica novaSatirae1595LatAmsterdamZacharias Heyns 423484
Tow126Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Le Criton de Platon, ou de ce qu'on doibtfaire. in fol.PlatoJean Le MasleLe Criton de PlatonCrito1582FrParisJean Poupy 29014
E/JTow125Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Platon del imortality de l'amee. in foPlatoLouis Le RoyLe phedonPhaedo1553FrParisSébastien Nivelle 27435
Tow124Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Alcibiades. in fo:Plato AlcibiadesAlcibiades Gr + Lat (?) Attribution is debated
Tow034Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Plinius Epistles. in 4°.Pliny the Younger EpistulaeEpistulae Lat
Tow111Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Les vies de homes illustres Grecs & Romains; tome 2. in 4°.PlutarchJacques Amyot; Charles de L'ÉcluseLes vies des hommes illustres grecs et romainsVitae parallelae1564FrAntwerpWillem Silvius 49639
Tow128Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637les vies des hommes illustres Plutarck. in 4°.PlutarchJacques Amyot; Charles de L'ÉcluseLes vies des hommes illustres grecs et romains.Vitae parallelae1564FrAntwerpWillem Silvius 49639
Tow110Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 16372. Plutarques moralls, Tome la 1er & la 2e (2x bookes) in 4°.Plutarch MoraliaMoralia Lat
ETow019Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Cicero ad Herenium. in 8°.Pseudo-Cicero Rhetorica ad HerenniumRhetorica ad Herennium Lat
Tow057Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Quintilian li.xii in 4°.Quintilian Institutiones oratoriaeInstitutio oratoria Lat
Tow257Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Salustii historias, in 4°.Sallust Historiae (?) Lat
Tow069Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Seneca Traged [Tragedies] in 4°.Seneca the YoungerThomas Newton; Thomas Heywood; Alexander Neville; John Studley; Thomas NuceSeneca his tenne tragedies, translated into EnglyshTragoediae1581EnglLondonThomas Marshe6188459
ETow093Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Epistres De Seneque. in f°.Seneca the Younger Epistolae moralesEpistulae morales ad Lucilium Fr
ETow020Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Tragoediae Annaej et al [aliorum] in 4°.Seneca the Younger Tragoediae Lat
Tow021Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Tragoediae Annaej et al [aliorum] in 8°.Seneca the Younger Tragoediae Lat
Tow101Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Sueton de la vie de xii Caesars. in fo.SuetoniusGeorge de La BouthièreDe la vie des XII Césars.De vita Caesarum1556Fr
ETow141Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Corneilius Tacitus in fr. in 4°.Tacitus Opera Fr
Tow122Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Lucidide historiae. in fol.Thucydides (?) Historia belli Peloponnesiaci (?) Gr + Lat (?)
Tow028Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Virgill. in 4°.Virgil Opera Lat
Tow099Bacon, Sir Nathaniel1593 - 1660Townshend, Sir Roger1596 - 1637Xenophon de la vie & institution De Cyrus Roy des Perses. in fo.XenophonJacques de VintimilleCyropaediaCyropaedia1555FrLyonJean de Tournes 30053
Ba79Bacon, Sir Nicholas1509 - 1579 Archimedis opera.ArchimedesEutocius of Ascalon; Thomas VenatoriusArchimedus tu syrakusiu, ta mechri nyn sozomena, hapanta. Opera, quae quidem extant, omnia, nuncque primum & Graecè & Latinè in lucem edita. Adiecta quoque sunt eutocii ascalonitae in eosdem archimedis libros commentaria, item Graecè & Latinè, nunquam antea excusa.De sphaera et cylindro; Dimensio circuli; De conoidibus et sphaeroidibus; De lineis spiralibus 1544Gr + LatBaselJohannes Herwagen 612734
Ba45Bacon, Sir Nicholas1509 - 1579 Aristophanis comedie, cum commento Item Eustathius in 19. posteriores libros Iliados homeriAristophanes; Eustathius of Thessalonica (?)Markos Mousouros; Sigmund GelenKomodiai ennea meta scholion. Comoediae novem cum commentariis antiquis admodum utilibus, duaeque sine commentariisPlutus; Nubes; Ranae; Equites; Acharnenses; Vespae; Aves; Pax; Ecclesiazusae; Eustathii Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam (?)1547GrBaselJohann Froben 612856
EBa33Bacon, Sir Nicholas1509 - 1579 Aristoteles latineAristotleCelio Secondo Curione; Veit Amerbach; Pietro Alcionio; Alexandre Chamaillard; Leonardo BruniAristotelis Stagiritae Tripartitae philosophiaeOpera 1563LatBaselJohannes Herwagen 612923