Courtiers’ Libraries in Elizabethan England is a catalogue of classical books collected in the libraries of the Elizabethan Courtiers.

Showing 451-500 of 1,655 items.
E / JList+# (e.g. R101, BU13)OwnerOwner datesOwner 2Owner 2 datesList entryAuthor(Editor)TitleUniform titleDateLanguagePlacePrinterFormat (2°, 4°…)ESTC #USTC (U) or other (SNB, etc)Owned copy present locationKnown copiesMarginalia annotationsNotes
Jam217James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Heroici Poetae graece, fol.Homer (et alii)Henri EstienneTes heroikes poieseos proeuontes poietaiOpera1566Gr + LatGenevaHenri Estienne; Ulrich Fugger 450554
EJam250James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Horatius cum annotationibus Stephani, 8°.HoraceHenri EstiennePoemata, scholiis et argumentis illustrataOpera1549LatParisRobert Estienne 202946
Jam444James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Quelques oraisons d'Isocrates et Demosthenes avec le premier liure de la Cyropedie et le Timee de Platon, 4°.Isocrates; Demosthenes; Xenophon; Plato Orationes; Cyropaedia; Timaeus Fr
Jam174James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Mary I (Queen of Scots)1542 - 1587Chrysostomus graecè in omnes Pauli epistolas, fol., 3us vol.John Chrysostom Eis pasas tas Paulou tou apostolou epistolas … ermeneia.Homiliae1529GrVeronaStefano Nicolini da Sabbio 836405
Jam411James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 The history of Justinus in english, 4°.JustinArthur GoldingThabridgemente of the histories of Trogus PompeiusEpitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii1570EnglLondonThomas Marshe6190009
Jam281James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Justini historia gall., fol.JustinClaude de SeysselLes histories universelles de Trogue PompeeEpitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii1559FrParisMichel de Vascosan 20769
Jam299James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Juuenalis, 16°.Juvenal; Persius Satyrarum libri V.Satirae1566LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin16° 401268
Jam172James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Titus Liuius in fol° auec les commentaires en vn autre volume a part.Livy Historiae Romanae ab urbe condita, libri 15.Ab Urbe condita1573LatParisJean Charron; Michel Sonnius 170145
E/JJam200James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Titus Liuius Lat., fol., Paris.Livy Historiae Romanae ad urbe condita, libri 15.Ab Urbe condita1573LatParisJean Charron; Michel Sonnius 170145
Jam025James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Sandilans, James (1st Lord Torpichen)1511 - 1579/1596Sum Comedies and Tragedies in Ital., besyde ane part that I haue ellis gotting and far ma that was not restorit, Titius Liuius in blak veluet, The Cronicles of Sauoye, Botonicon, Chronicle of Flanders, Augustarum Imagines Ital., Dialoge in Spanish of ye interpryses of wearis, with sundry vthers.Livy Ab Urbe condita Ita
Jam475James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Lucanus, 8°.Lucan Pharsalia Lat
Jam035James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Wood, John (?) - 1570Luciani opera.LucianAgostino Dati; Gilbert Cousin; Martin Boler; Joachim Camerarius; ErasmusHapanta. Lvciani samosatensis opera, quae quidem extant, omnia, Graecè et LatinèOpera1563Gr + LatBaselHeinrich Petri 673659
Jam098James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Wood, Arthur Luciani pars secunda, 8°, gr.LucianOttmar Luscinius; Michael MangerDialogi selectiores . . . Graece Latineque editi in usum puerorumDialogi1577GrAugsburgMichael Manger 673721 Collection of dialogues
Jam060James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Luciani opera, gr. et lat., 8°., 4 voluminibus.Lucian Dialogi selectiores, coelestes, marini, et inferni, Graece et Latinè editi in usum puerorum.Dialogi1583Gr + LatLeipzigErnst Vögelin; Hans Steinmann 673720
Jam206James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 2. Luciani quidam Dialogi, 8°.Lucian Dialogi Lat
Jam176James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Mary I (Queen of Scots)1542 - 1587Luciani opera et Philostrati quaedam gr., fol.Lucian; Philostratus the Elder; Philostratus the Younger; Lucius Flavius Philostratus; Callistratus Dialogoi kai alla polla sungrammataDialogi; Eikones; Heroicus; Vitae sophistarum; Statuarum descriptiones1522GrVeniceAldo Manuzio; Andrea Torresano 838774
Jam153James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Pitcairn, Robert 1520 (?) - 1584Flori Epitome, 4°.Lucius Annaeus FlorusElie VinetRerum Romanarum, ex Tito Livio, epitomaEpitome rerum Romanarum1576LatParisGuillaume Cavellat; Jérôme de Marnef 170325
Jam463James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Flori historiae libri 4 cum commentariis Stadii, 8°.Lucius Annaeus FlorusJohannes Stadius; Albert van Leeuwen; Cornelius Valerius; Louis CarrionDe gestis Romanorum, historiarum lib. IIII.Epitome rerum Romanarum1579LatCologneJohann Gymnich671396
Jam124James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Philostrato della vita di Apollonio Tianeo, Ital., 8°.Lucius Flavius PhilostratusFrancesco BaldelliDella vita di Apollonio TianeoVita Apollonii 1549ItaFlorenceLorenzo Torrentino 762288
Jam226James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Varro de lingua Lat. ex emendatione Vertranii, 8°.Marcus Terentius VarroMarcus Vertranius MaurusPars librorum quattuor et viginti de lingua LatinaDe lingua latina1563LatLyonSébastien Gryphe 153456
Jam074James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Martialis castratus, 8°.MartialÉmond Auger; André Des Freux; Joachim Rosalechius; Pietro Crinito; Emund HatotEpigrammata, a pristina … obscoenitate ac turpitudine vindicataEpigrammata1582LatTrierEmund Hatot 674237
Jam228James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Martialis castratus, 8°.Martial Epigrammata, ab omni rerum obscenitate, verborum turpitudine vindicataEpigrammata1568LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin 405647
Jam158James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Oppiani "alieutika kai kynegetika", gr. et lat., 8°, una comoed. AEschyli.Oppian of Anazarbus; Oppian of Apamea; Aeschylus (?)Lorenzo LippiOppiani De piscibus libri VDe piscatione; De venatione1517Gr + LatVeniceAldo Manuzio; Andrea Torresano 845399
Jam090James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Metamorphoses Ouidii per Sprengiu, illustratae, 8°.OvidJohann SprengMetamorphoses, argumentis quidem soluta orationeMetamorphoses 1570LatParisGuillaume Cavellat; Jérôme de Marnef 199775
Jam092James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Metamorphose d'Ouide figurée, auec les deuises heroiques de Paradin, 8°.Ovid Metamorphoses Fr Maybe the same copy as Jam392
Jam392James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Metamorphose d'Ouide figurée, auec les deuises heroiques de Paradin, 8°.Ovid Metamorphoses Fr Maybe the same copy as Jam092
Jam424James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Ouidii Metamorphose figurée cum Tetrastichis Joannis Posthii.Ovid Metamorphoses Fr
Jam305James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Philon Juif en francoys, fol°.Philo Pierre BellierLes ouvresOpera1575FrParisMichel Sonnius 1598
Jam272James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Stewart, Robert (1st Earl of March)1522 - 1586Symposium Platonis in Frenche, 4°.PlatoLouis Le Roy; Joachim Du BellayLe sympose ou de l'amour et de beautéSymposium1559FrParisJean Longis; Robert Le Mangnier 37732
Jam012James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Sandilans, James (1st Lord Torpichen)1511 - 1579/1596Sum bukes of the Repub. of Platon in frenche.Plato; Demosthenes (?)Louis Le RoyLe premier, second et dixieme livre de justice, ou de la republiqueRespublica1555FrParisSébastien Nivelle 14456
Jam399James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Plautus, 16°.Plautus Comoediae vigintiComoediae1566LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin16° 401246
Jam129James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Halkett, George 1540 - 1588Plinius gallice en deux volumes.Pliny the ElderAntoine du PinetL’Histoire du monde de C. Pline SecondNaturalis Historia1566FrLyonClaude Senneton 37321
Jam199James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Opuscules de Plutarche gall., fol.PlutarchJacques AmyotLes ouvres morales et mesleesMoralia1575FrParisMichel de Vascosan; Fédéric Morel 20880
Jam048James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Les vies de PlutarqyePlutarchJacques AmyotLes vies des hommes illustres grecs et romainsVitae parallelae1564FrAntwerpWillem Silvius 49639 Maybe the same copy as Jam330
Jam330James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Mary I (Queen of Scots)1542 - 1587Les vies de Plutarque en deux volumes en francoys, fol.PlutarchJacques Amyot; Charles de L'EcluseLes vies des hommes illustres grecs et romainsVitae parallelae1574FrLausanneFrançois Le Preux 47642 Maybe the same copy as Jam048
Jam394James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Apophtegmata Plutarchi et aliorum gr. et lat., 16°.Plutarch Moralia (Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata) (?) Gr + Lat 16°
Jam146James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Plutarque en deux volumes.Plutarch Opera Fr
Jam208James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 2. Plutarchi "peri paidon agoges". Item, Isocratis orationes.Plutarch; IsocratesLambert Daneau; Jean CherpontLibelli aliquot formandis tum juventutis moribusMoralia (De liberis educandis); Ad Demonicum; Ad Nicoclem1581Gr + LatGenevaEustache Vignon 66040
Jam107James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Wood, Arthur Ciceronis Rhetorica, 8°.Pseudo-CiceroGilbert de LongueilRhetoricorum M. T. Ciceronis ad C. Herennium, libri IIIIRhetorica ad Herennium1574LatLondonJohn Kingston6194651
Jam180James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Mary I (Queen of Scots)1542 - 1587Ptolemaeus graece, 4°.PtolemyErasmusPeri ta geographias biblia oktoGeographia1546GrParisChristian Wechel 149610
Jam094James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Ptolomaei Tabulae per Gerardum Mercatorem, 4°.PtolemyGerhard KremerTabulae geographicae cl: ptolemei ad mentem autoris restitutae et emendateGeographia1578LatCologneGottfried von Kempen 695972
Jam030James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Wood, John (?) - 1570Tabulae Ptolomei in pergamenoPtolemyGiuseppe Moleto; Willibald PirckheimerGeographia Cl. Ptolemaei AlexandriniGeographia1562LatVeniceVincenzo Valgrisi 851490
Jam204James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 2. Sallustii, 8°.Sallust Opera Lat
Jam243James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Sallustius castigatus, 8°.Sallust Opera Lat
Jam260James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Flores Senecae, 16°.Seneca the Elder; Seneca the YoungerP. HatonFlores utriusque Lucii Annei SenecaeOpera1574LatParisGilles Gourbin16° 170209
Jam110James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Wood, Arthur Thyeste Tragoedia, 8°.Seneca the YoungerJasper HeywoodThe seconde tragedie of Seneca entituled ThyestesTragoediae (Thyestes)1560EnglLondonThomas Berthelet6182401
Jam492James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Buchanan, George 1506 - 1582Senecae Tragoediae.Seneca the Younger Tragoediae Lat
Jam336James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Campbell, Colin (6th Earl of Argyll)1542 - 1584Seneca, fol.Seneca the Younger (?) Opera Lat
Jam300James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Silius Italicus, 16°.Silius Italicus De bello Punico libri septemdecimPunica1551LatLyonSébastien Gryphe16° 150975
Jam105James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Wood, Arthur Sophocles gr. cum commentarioSophoclesJacopo SadoletoTragœdiæ septem, una cum omnibus græcis scholiis et cum latinis Joach. Camerarii. Tragoediae1568Gr + LatGenevaHenri Estienne 450242