Courtiers’ Libraries in Elizabethan England is a catalogue of classical books collected in the libraries of the Elizabethan Courtiers.

Showing 501-550 of 1,655 items.
E / JList+# (e.g. R101, BU13)OwnerOwner datesOwner 2Owner 2 datesList entryAuthor(Editor)TitleUniform titleDateLanguagePlacePrinterFormat (2°, 4°…)ESTC #USTC (U) or other (SNB, etc)Owned copy present locationKnown copiesMarginalia annotationsNotes
Jam407James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Stobaei sententiarum Tomus secundus, 16°.StobaeusConrad GessnerSententiae ex thesauris Gracorum delectaeSententiae ex thesauris Graecorum delectae1555LatLyonSébastien Gryphe16° 151906
Jam401James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Suetonius Tranquillus, 16°.SuetoniusGiovanni Battista Egnazio; Erasmus; Elie VinetXII caesares.De vita Caesarum1576LatLyonAntoine Gryphe16° 156222
Jam344James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Buchanan, George 1506 - 1582Institution of a prince par Synesius en francoys, 8°.Synesius of CyreneDaniel d'AugeInstitution d'un prince chrestienDe regno ad Arcadium imperatorem1555FrParisGilles Gourbin 11317
Jam213James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Campbell, Colin (6th Earl of Argyll)1542 - 1584Synesii hymni graeco-lat.Synesius of Cyrene; Gregory of Nazianzus; John of DamascusFrancesco PortoYmnoi deka.Hymni1570Gr + LatParisJean Bienné 160410 Includes poems by Gregory of Nazianzus and John of Damascus
Jam116James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Cornelius Tacitus Beati Rhenani, fol.TacitusAndrea Alciati; Filippo Beroaldo; Beatus RhenanusAnnalium ab excessu augusti ... sive historiae augustae libri sedecimAnnales; Historiae; Germania; Dialogus de oratoribus; Agricola1544LatBaselHieronymus Froben; Nicolaus Episcopius 681874
Jam363James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentius Lat. et gall., 16°.TerenceJean Bourlier; Marc-Antoine MuretLes six comediesComoediae1583Lat + FrParisThomas Brumen16° 34677
Jam359James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentius in 8° ex editione Aldi.TerenceMarc-Antoine MuretP. Terentius Afer a m. Antonio Mureto emendatusComoediae1575LatVeniceAldo Manuzio 858790
Jam361James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentius cum comment. ex editione Antesignani, 4°.TerencePierre DavantèsTerentius, in quem triplex edita est commentatioComoediae1560LatLyonMacé Bonhomme 158968
Jam076James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentii flores, 16°.Terence Flores seu formulae loquendi, ex P. Terentii comoediis excerptaeComoediae1564LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin16° 79523 Maybe the same book as Jam365
Jam365James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentii flores, 16°.Terence Flores seu formulae loquendi, ex P. Terentii comoediis excerptaeComoediae1564LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin16° 79523 Maybe the same copy as Jam365
Jam364James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentius Ital., 8°.Terence Le comedie volgari, di nuovo ricorrette, et a miglior tradottione ridotteComoediae1546ItaVeniceAldo Manuzio 858732
Jam360James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentius, 8°.Terence Comoediae Lat
Jam367James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Sinclair, George (5th Earl of Caithness)(?) - 1643Terentius cum omnibus comment., fol.Terence Comoediae Lat
Jam368James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentii Comediae singulae singulis libellis.Terence Comoediae Lat
Jam366James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentii Phormio, 4°.Terence PhormioComoediae (Phormio)1553LatParisMichel de Vascosan 204179
Jam362James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Terentius et Horatius simul in 16°.Terence; Horace Opera Lat 16°
Jam154James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Pitcairn, Robert 1520 (?) - 1584Theognidis sententiae, etc., cum commentario, 4°.Theognis of Megara Sententiosa poetarum vetustissimorum quae supersunt operaElegiae1553Gr + LatParisGuillaume Morel 151383
Jam203James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Valerius Maximus.Valerius Maximus Factorum et dictorum memorabilium Lat
Jam282James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Valerius Maximus, 16°.Valerius Maximus Factorum et dictorum memorabilium Lat 16°
Jam455James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Vegetius in english, 4°.VegetiusJohn Sadler The foure bookes of Flauius Vegetius RenatusEpitoma rei militari1572LatLondonThomas Marshe6190405
Jam171James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Elphinston, Nicolas (?) - 1579Velleius Paterculus, 8°.Velleius Paterculus Historiae Romanae ad m. Vinicium Cos. Libri IIHistoriae Romanae ad M. Vinicium libri duo1571LatVeniceAldo Manuzio 862224
Jam244James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Verrius et Festus castigati, 8°.Verrius Flaccus; Sextus Pompeius Festus Quae extant. Et Sex. Pompei Festi De verborum significationeDe verborum significatione1560LatVeniceGiordano Ziletti; Giovanni Maria Bonelli 863058
Jam071James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Vergilius cum Graecis collatus ab Vrsino, 8°.VirgilFulvio OrsiniVirgilius collatione scriptorum Graecorum illustratusOpera1568LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin 415939
Jam252James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Virgilius cum annotaionibus H. Stephani, 8°.VirgilHenri EstienneOperaOpera1540LatParisRobert Estienne 147861
Jam010James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Sandilans, James (1st Lord Torpichen)1511 - 1579/15962 bukes of ye Eneide of Virgil in frenche.VirgilJoachim du BellayDeux livres de l'eneideAeneis1560FrParisFédéric Morel 29088
Jam065James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Virgilii eclogae et Murmellii tabulae, 8°.VirgilStephan ReichBucolica Virgilii in usum puerorumBucolica1582LatLeipzigJakob Bärwald; Jakob Apel 617422 Maybe the same book as Jam406
Jam406James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Virgilii Bucolica. Item, Tabulae Murmellii, 8°.VirgilStephan ReichBucolica Virgilii in usum puerorumBucolica1582LatLeipzigJakob Bärwald; Jakob Apel 617422 Maybe the same book as Jam065
Jam004James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Douglas, James (4th Earl of Morton)1516 - 1581Bucolica Vergilii, 8°.Virgil Bucolica1570LatIngolstadtAlexander Weissenhorn 617418
Jam069James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Vergilius cum commentario Guellii, fol.Virgil P. Virgilius Maro, et in eum commentationes, & paralipomenaBucolica; Georgica; Aeneis1575LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin 401673 401673 Maybe the same book as Jam224
Jam224James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Virgilius cum commentariis, fol.Virgil P. Virgilius Maro, et in eum commentationes, & paralipomenaBucolica; Georgica; Aeneis1575LatAntwerpChristophe Plantin 401673 401673 Maybe the same copy as Jam069
Jam181James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Mary I (Queen of Scots)1542 - 1587Virgil in 4°.Virgil Opera Fr
Jam283James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Virgilius, 16°.Virgil Opera Lat 16°
Jam398James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Virgilius, 16°.Virgil Opera Lat 16°
Jam489James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 Virgilius in 4°.Virgil Opera Lat
Jam134James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Halkett, George 1540 - 1588La Cyropedie en francoys, 8°.XenophonJacques de VintimilleCyropaediaCyropaedia1555FrLyonJean de Tournes 30053
Jam133James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625Halkett, George 1540 - 1588Xenophon gr. et lat., fol., Basileae.XenophonJohannes Leunclavius; Daniel Hermann; Karel UtenhoveOpera in duos tomos divisaOpera1595Gr + LatBaselLazarus Zetzner 606426
Jam494James I (King of Scotland and England)1566 - 1625 The Schole of Cyrus.XenophonWilliam BarkerThe viii Bookes of Xenophon, containing the Institution, Schole and Education of CyrusCyropaedia1567EnglLondonReginald Wolfe6191900
J45Jewel, John1522 - 1571 [Reconstruction]AppianCharles EstienneRomanarum historiarum Celtica, Libyca vel Carthaginensis, Illyrica, Syriaca, Parthica, Mithridatica, civilis, quinque libris distinctaHistoria Romana1551GrParisRobert Estienne 150747Magdalen College, Oxford
J26Jewel, John1522 - 1571 [Reconstruction]Eusebius of Caesarea Robert EstienneEvangelicae praeparationis lib. XVDe evangelica praeparatione1544GrParisRobert Estienne 149170Magdalen College, Oxford
J24Jewel, John1522 - 1571 [Reconstruction]Eusebius of Caesarea Robert EstienneEcclesiasticae historiae Eusebii PamphiliHistoria ecclesiastica1544GrParisRobert Estienne 149157Magdalen College, Oxford
J23Jewel, John1522 - 1571 [Reconstruction]JeromeBasilius Amerbach; Bruno Amerbach; ErasmusOmnes quae extant D. Hieronymi stridonensis lucubrationesOpera1537LatBaselHieronymus Froben; Nicolaus Episcopius 149157Magdalen College, Oxford
J46Jewel, John1522 - 1571 [Reconstruction]Pliny the YoungerConrad Lykosthenes; Giovanni Maria CattaneoEpistolarum libri X, una cum Panegyrica orationeEpistulae; Panegyricus Traiani1552LatBaselHieronymus Froben; Nicolaus Episcopius 604741
Kny0913Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Eliano del modo di mettere in Ordinanza in Venet. 1551.Aelianus TacticusFrancesco FerrosiDel modo di mettere in ordinanzaTactica1551ItaVeniceGabriele Giolito de' Ferrari 807810 See also:
KnyMs(Add)001Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Aelius Donatus Donatus De octo partibus oracionisArs minor Lat Cambridge University Library Manuscript
Kny0096Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Donatus.Aelius Donatus (?) Opera Lat
Kny1228Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Liure d Apologue d Esope. 8°.AesopGilles CorrozetLes fablesFabulae1544FrParisDenis Janot 27017
Kny1067Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Aesopi fabulae. 8°. 1568.AesopLorenzo Astemio; Pietro Crinito; Adriaan van Baarland; Giovanni Antonio CampanoFabulaeFabulae1568LatAugsburgMatthaeus Franck 609481
Kny1235Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Les fables et la vie d'Esope a Lyon. 159. 16°.Aesop La vie et les fablesFabulae1554FrLyonClaude Chastellard16° 41055
Kny0010Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Diui Ambrosij opera. Parisijs 1569. V Tom. Fol.AmbroseJean GillotOmnia quae magna hactenus doctorum virorum industria reperiri potuerunt, operaOpera 1569LatParisSébastien Nivelle; Michelle Guillard; Guillaume Merlin 140656Shipdham Parish Library
KnyMs045Knyvett, Sir Thomas1538 - 1619 Ambrosius de officijsAmbrose De officiis Lat Cambridge University Library Manuscript