The Olde Measures
The Quadran Pavin.
2 singles & one double forward. 2 singles 2 side & a double back. 4 times over.
A double forwarde & a double backe. 4 times 2 singles & a double forward twise then begin all againe
Th Earle of Essex his measure.
A double forwarde and a single backe. 4 times. 2 singles syde, a double forward & a double backe, then begin all againe
A double forwarde and a double backe. 2 singles & a double round firste with the one hande & then with the other, a double forward & a double back 3 times. 2 singles & a double round both wayes.
The Olde Almaine.
Take both handes, & goe. 2 singles & one double round both wayes. 4 doubles forward, then with both handes. 2 singles & one double rounde
The Queenes Almaine
A double forward & a double backe, 2 singles syde, Caste of A double rounde, A double forwarde with your righte legge & a double backe, 2 singles syde Caste of & a double round. 5 doubles forwarde, & a double backe, 2 singles cast of A double rounde, A double fowarde with your right legge, A double backe, 2 singles syde caste of a double rounde
Sicillia Almaine
2 singles & a double forwarde & a single backe twise, parte handes, 2 singles syde and honor 2 singles & a double into your womans place, then honour & inbrace. 2 singles syde & honour. 2 singles & a double into your owne place, then honour & imbrace
The blacke Almaine
ffower doubles forwarde, parte handes, a double backe one from an other, a double meetinge againe, a double on your lefte hande & an other on your righte, take both handes & goe A double round & traverse. 4 on your lefte hande, A double rounde & traverse fower on your righte
The Galliarde
Io. willoughbye