The Quadran Pavan
2 singles sides and a double forward, 2 singles sides and a double backward, all over 4 times and so end.
The Turkeylone
A double forward and a double backward 4 times, 2 single sides with a double forward and a double backward; then 2 single sides with a double forward and a double back, then a double forward and a double back 4 times and so end.
The Earl of Essex
A double forward and a single back 4 times, then 2 singles sides with a double forward and a double back, all over again and so end.
A double forward and a double back, then take right hands and go 2 singles and a double round in your places then take the left hand and do as much again, a double forward and a double back 3 times and so take right hands and go 2 singles and a double round in your places then take the left hand and do the same and so end.
The Old Almain
Take both hands and go 2 singles and a double to your right hand, round in your places and as much to the left, then 4 double forward, then all over again and so end.
The Queen’s Almain
A double forward and a double back, 2 single sides face to face and turn a double round in your place; that part over again with the other, then a double forward, a double forward and a double and a double back then set 2 singles face to face and turn a double round in your place as much with the other foot and so end.
Madam Cecilia
2 single sides, a double forward and a single back; that part over again, then 2 singles face to face, honour with the left foot then change place with 2 singles and a double, honour with the right foot and embrace 2 single sides face to face, honour, 2 singles and a double change places as you did before, honour and embrace and so end.
The Black Almain
4 double forward, then a double back, face to face, and a double forward, then a double to the left hand and another back to the right hand, then set 2 single sides and turn a double round.