The Ould Measures:

Quadran Pavin. The Quadran Pavin.

Honour. Two singles syde, a double foreward, ij singles syde & a double backe .4. tymes. honour.



Honour (& backe) foure doubles foreward. ij singeles syde (2. forw: 2. backe), 4. doubles forwarde & .4. doubles backe. honour,


The Earle of Essex measures

Honour. One double forewardes & one single backe .4. tymes, ij. singles syde, one double forward & & one single backe. againe all. honoure & soe ende.



Honour. One double forward & one double backe ij singles & a double rounde both waies .3. doubles forwarde & .3. doubles backe change handes. honor & soe ende.


The Ould Almaine

Honour. Take both handes .2. singles & a double round both waies .4, doubles forward, take both handes .2. singles & a double round both waies. soe end.


The Queens Almaine

Honour. A double forward & a .d. backe .2. singles syde & a. d. rounde on your lefte hande. a .d. forwarde & a. d. backe .2. S. syde & a .d. round on your right hande .4. d. forward. a .d. forward & a .d. backe 2. S. syde as afore.


The Blacke Almaine. Cecilia

Honour. Two .S. syde & a .d. forward & a .S. backe twice, part handes .2. S. syde & honour with your left foote, change places with .2. S. & a .d., honour with your right foote, step forward & embrace, .2. S. syde honor with your left foote, In to-vour own place, honour as afore./


The Cecilia Almaine. .Blacke

Honour, Fowre doubles forward, part handes with a .d. backe, meete againe with a .d., A .d. on your lefte hand, a nother on your right hand, the man doe .2. S. & a .d. rounde, the woman as much, take both handes, change places with a double & slide upwardes .4., Into your owne place with a .d., slyde downe .4., backe a .d. one frō another, meet againe. The same againe./


The cinque pace

One, two, three, foure, & fiue.


Robertoes Galliard

Honour. Is performed with ye cinque price & 4. or 5, seuerall trickes takinge ye gentewoman

out of her place & walkinge .3. or .4 stepps


The Bodkin Galliard

Marke Williams his Galliard. Passemeasurs Galliard. Stepps, soe honour, then pace further .4. stepps take her in your lefte hand, honour, you walke .3. steppes downe ye roome. shee vpp & soe fall in to your Cinque Passe. In ye ende honour & conveye ye gentlewoman to her place.


The Temple Coranta

Honour, Take handes & fall in to your pace, change rounde, fall frō, shifte handes, voluntarylie, honour & soe ende.


The Spanish Pavin

Honour. It must be learnd by practise & demonstration, beinge performd wth boundes & capers & in ye ende honour./


The French Levalto

Honour, By demonstratiō likewise, falinge in to your pace, holdinge handes, & conveyinge ye gentewoman with your right arme & right legg by boundes in to .4. severall places, honor & ende./


The Ladye Laytons Measures

Honour. Twe doubles forwardes & one double to ye lefte hande. one double backe. two longe stepps & a double backwardes. two longe stepps & a double, forewardes. one .S. forwards & a .D. backwardes, j .d. forwardes & .j. d. backe, two longe stepps & a .d. forwards, two longe stepps & a .d. backe,


The Spanioletta

Honour. Take handes, fall in to your pace, parte with your pace, traverse sydewayes, meete wth your pace, & heave vpp ye woman in your armes, part againe, pace, traverse meete againe, the woman heave vp ye man, honor & soe ende./


The Measures of Heaven & earth. Mapeur.

Honour. A double forwarde & a double backe, a double forwarde, two singles syde, a double backe, & slipp with ye right legg another with ye lefte a halfe caper & fall backe round in to your Cinque-pace, a halfe caper & a round crosse &c.


Basilina Lesters Galliard

Honour. A double forwarde & a double backe, a double forward, & one single backe, fiue stepps forward & close, thrise togither, a double forward & a double backe, a double forwarde & a single backe, fowre doubles forwarde,


The French Galliarde

Honour. Is performed with ye cinquepace, halfe capers, traverses, ye round turnes & such lke, learned onlye by practise,


The French Brawles

Honour. Tacke handes & goe rounde to ye lefte hande, rounde againe to ye right hande, slip twoe togither, afterwardes three to ye lefte hande, three more to ye right hande, all a .d. rounde, the same againe.


