A Copy of the Old Measures in the Inner Temple


1st: Quadran Pavan

2 singles sides and a double forward, 1 single side and a double back, 4 times over and so end.


2nd: Turkeylone

A double forward and a double back 4 times, 2 singles sides, and a double forward and a double back 4 times and so end.


3rd: Earl of Essex Measure

A double forward and a single back 4 times, then 2 singles sides and a double forward and a double back once, then all this measure once over and so end.


4th: Tinternell

A double forward and a double back once, then take your woman by the right hand and slide 2 slides and a double round in arms both ways, then a double forward and a double back 3 times, then take the woman by the right hand and slide 2 singles and a double round in arms both ways and so end.


5th: The Old Almain, a round measure

Take both hands and slide 2 singles and a double round in arms both ways then slide 4 doubles round about the house and close the last double face to face, then hold both hands and slide 2 singles and a double round in arms both ways and so end.


6th: The Queen’s Almain, a round measure

A double forward and a double back with the left leg, turn face to face and set and turn with the left leg, a double forward and a double back with the right leg, turn face to face and set and turn with the right leg, then slide 4 doubles round about the house and close the last double face to face, the first and second part once a piece over again, and so end.


7th: Cecilia Almain

2 singles and a double forward and a single back twice. 1st part and the second time part hands and turn face to face. 2nd part, then 2 singles sides the first with the left leg the second with the right then honour with the left leg and close again then change places with 2 singles and a double over into each other’s place and turn all face to face and honour with the right leg, then meet with 2 steps and embrace, do all this 2nd part step for step into your own places.


8th: The Black Almain

Sides 4 doubles round about the house and close the last double face to face, then part your hands and go all in a double back 1 from the other and meet a double again. Then go a double to your left hand and as much back to your right hand, then all the women stand still and the men set and turn, then all the men stand still and the women set and turn, then hold both hands and change places with a double and slide 4 French slides to the man’s right hand, change places again with a double, and slide 4 French slides to the right hand again, then part hands and go back a double 1 from another and meet a double again, then all this measure once over and so end. The second, all the men stand still and the women begin set and turn and then men last. Then after all the measures be done hold hands and dance Cinquepace once round about the hearth till you come to your own place again and so end.


Low bow to the 1st bencher

A hall at the last bencher

Call music coming down by the hearth

Call music at the bottom of the hall

Seat the benchers and go back to the north side of the hall

The house Measure before and behind

Sit on the south side


Quadran Pavan, left right forwards – left right backwards

Essex Measure, forward backward. Stop the same again – fall back, set, lead up, fall back

Sit down


Quadran Pavan

Black Almain, forwards stop, forwards stop

Forwards by yourself twice, set and turn single

Woman the same hands half round 3 sides up

Hands half round and 3 slides round

fall back from the woman and set to her again.


A Holy Dance

Holy sister please you to dance

With a holy brother for recreation

Not as the wicked do nor as

Hemini and Gemini in the wilderness

But leading on to virtue and

back from vice retiring

Not on this side nor on that side

Nor profanely turning round

But as the spirit moves us.


The Old Measures of the Inner Temple, London, as they were first begun and taught by Robert Holeman, a dancing master before 1640 and continued ever since in the Inner Temple Hall.


Master Butler Buggins