Document Type | Semi-diplomatic |
Code | Tonkis |
Type | manuscript |
Year | 1612 |
Place | London |
De Analogia Anglicani Sermonis Liber Grammaticus
Auctore Thoma Tonkisio Anglo
è Collegio sanctæ et individuæ Trinitatis in Academia Cantabrigiensj
Anno salutis MDCXIJ. {1}
{n. p.}
Illustrissimo Principi Friderico eius nominis Quinto Romani Imperij Electori et Archidapifero Comiti Palatino ad Rhenum et VtriusqȜ Bauariæ Duci etc.:
Dedicat inscribis
Thomas Tonkis {2}
{n. p.}
De Literis
Caput primum.
Literæ nobis sunt quatuor et vigintj.
a1 apud nos exiliùs exauditur quam a Gallicum, vt ápple, ánſwere, áncient,
At in fine ante duplex l, pronuntiatur vt apud Gallos, patentj et hiulco sono, vt all, ſmall, tall, fall.
Sic in principio, medio et fine eorum quæ consonantem post I habent, vt cálmeneſſe, vnfáltie, fált.
b.2 vt b gallicum. beniamin.
c3 vt apud gallos. ante e et j cum sibilo vt s. ante a, o, u, vt x. vel k.
ch. vt ch hispanorũ, mucho, much; vel vt c ante e vel j apud Italos, vt cento: cheerefull, chimney, chinke, chosen.
Excipe vocabula a Græcis deducta vt eunuch, vbi ch vt x.
d4. vt d Gall: in fine vero vocabulj liquidiùs auditur, vt profered, loued, non proferet, louet, vt galli Solent.
e5. in principio et medio vt e Gallorum, in fine vero pene deperit, temere tamen non adscribitur, producit enim vocalem antecedentem, eamqȜ reddit magis clarã et sonoram, vt ſpit, ſpite, clock, cloke, pil, pile.
e ante n in fine dictionis obscurè sonat, vt ſweetén, ſtréngthen, lénghthen.
e post I in fine obscurè, vt tíckle, bríttle, fíckle, trémble, thímble.
e ante l solam in fine modo u consonans preæcedat, obscurè, vt díuel, dríuel, éuél, ſhouél.
e nunquam sonat a, vt accident, non accidant vt Galli.
f6. vt f Gall: vt, fill, filbert.
g7 ante e et j vocales vt g Italicum, vt ginger, gerk.
Excipè, giue, cum compositis, girle, girt, gimlett.
8Excipè omnia etiam qua n ante g habent, cuiusmodj sunt omnia participia activa, vt louing, thriuing, vbi g enuntiatur vt γ* vt finger, ringer, ſing, fling, excipe, ginger.
g ante u. vt gu Gallorũ, excipe languiſh, anguiſh, vbi vt gu Italorũ.
g ante h, in media syllaba gutturalem reddit sonum, vt ſpright, light, affright, naught, taught, fraught, raught, caught.
9h rariſsime sine aspiratione legitur; hauing, hart, haſtie, high,
h. spiritum addit literæ cuj coniunctum: vt thigh.
h. in honeſt, hoſt, hoſteſſe, honour, cum derivatis quieſcit. {3}
10i ante vocalem eiusdem syllabæ consonans, ante consonantem vocalis.
i consonans sonat g Italicum, vt jáuelin, iest, iade, iett, iélous, ióyfull, ioynt, iúnkett, iústle, iústice.
i in principio et medio dictionũ vt i gall: vt íntimate, íncident.
i vocalis in fine pleniore profertur sono vt habilitie, vbi bili gallicè, tie anglicè, at hoc in carmine plerumqȜ fite, sepius enim pro y scrib ie.
k11. vt κ. kalender, knaue.
l12. |
more gallico. |
m13 | |
n14 |
15 ’όμικρον habemus, et ’ωμέγα, vnica tantum nota, sono differentj.
o ante duas consonantes vel densam, in principio vel medio vocabuli obſcurè profertur, vt óften, impόrtunate, other, brother, at ante conſonantem solam vt w vt open, ouer.
o in fine sj vox consonantj clauditur obscurè, vt not, begot, ſpot, aut sj vocalis sequatur vt w, vt note, excipe deſinentia in v conson. et e, vt loue, moue, proue, aboue, behoue, etc.
o ante n in fine obſcuriſsime, vt tomſon, peaſon, contribútion, orátion, réason.
o ante w, in know, grow, ſnow, ſow, row, flow, cum compoſitis, et in billow, willow, pillow, crow, elbow, vt w.
oo ut ou Gall: good, blood, flood, rood, brood, moode.
p16. ut p Gallorum vt princeſſe, paulſgraue, prettie.
ph. spumoſiùs vt φ Phillip,
q17 nunquam sine u scribitur, sonat qu Etruſchorum, vt queſtion.
r18. vt r Gallicũ. rustic, rule.
ſ19, inter duas vocales vt z. muſe.
sh. vt ch. apud Gallos, vt ſhirt, ſheete, languiſh, poliſh, vel ut ſc Italorũ
t20. vt t Gall. tiding, tilting.
th. aliquando vt θ, aliquando vet d hispanicum in fine; verdad.
th. in medio semper vt d hisp: vt mother, brόther, όther, ſmόther, exceptis a Græcis originem ducentibus, vt Athenien
excipe etiam hæc vocabula, methéglen, ſtréngthning, léngthning. {n. p.}
th. in fine vt θ, vt lόueth, prόueth, ſpéaketh, et huiuſmodj infinita. excipe pauca verba, vt to bathe, to bequeath, to cloath, et hæc nomina, ſithe, ſheath, tithe, wreath, et vnderneath vbi ut d Hiſp:
th in principio vt θ. vt théater, thírſtie, thínck, excipe, that, then, thence, there, they, thine, this, theiſe, thoſe, théather, thou, though,
u21. inter duas conſonantes vocalis, vt pull, full, pule.
in principio vocabuli ante vocalem conſonans vt veale, ante consonantem vocalis, vt vppòn, vpright, vphòld.
in medio inter duas vocales consonans incipitqȜ syllabam, vt receiued.
in fine inter duas vocales quarum vltima est e obſcurum conſonans est, vt loue, moue, etc., etiam post l vel r vt twelue, ſtarue, carue, etc.
u conſonans vt u gall: vel digamã, villanie, vile.
u vocalis ante conſonantem solam pronunciatur ac ſi interpuncta eſset j, vt repute, refute, quasi repiute, refiute, at ante duas sonus ille j tollitur, vt, putting, fulfill, et huiuſmodj plurima, in fine etiam ante mutam, vt but, put, ſhut, etc.
w22 proprio quodam modo profertur, vt will, wilfull, woodcoocke, winter, ſweare, ſweepe, ſweeten, ſwill, dwell, twibill, twentie, twelue.
w in eadem ſyllaba aliquando sequitur, s, d, t, vt in iam dictis exemplis, cum alijs conſonantibus nunquam coniungitur in eadem syllaba, in diuerſis vero sæpe, vt wormewood.
w post, a, e, o, in eadem syllaba, sonat vt u in dipthongis au, eu, ou, vt ſhaw, ſew, wow, quaſi ſhau, ſeu, wou.
wh. summa cum aspiratione, vt what, whether, when, whom, who;
x23 vt x latinum, vt box, pox, ox,
y24 ut j. vnde sæpe scribitur pro j.
z25 ut ζ græc.
De Dipthongis
æ vt apud Latinos.
aj |
ut Ital. vt whay, way, mau, autumne.
au |
ea vt e maſ. Gall. vt bread, dead, feaſt.
ej vt ej Latin: vt they.
eu vt εu græc. greu, deu.
oa vt ω oake, ſmoake.
oj vt oy in moy, vt annoy, boy, toy.
ou apertius quam ou gallorum, vt thou. {4}
Nulla pene apud nos quieſcit litera, nimirum dum distinctè loquimur.
Conſonantes in fine dictionum duriſsime efferuntur.
Derivatio et compoſitio non variat literarum sonum
De Articulis.
Cap. 2ũ
Articulus est duplex | finitus, vt the, le vel la Gall.
| infinitus seu vagus, vt a, un vel une.
Articulus finitus vim habet vt incerta et infinita declaret et definiat, vt a man vn homme, the man l’homme.
Articulus finitus prœponitur appellativis: vel generaliter, vt the earth, la terre vel specialiter, vt the nature of virtue, la nature de vertu
Nomina propria et prænomina articulos recusant niſi sit emphaſeωs gratia, vt the harry of harries, Henricus Henricorum, the onelie ſhee or hee of the towne, vnicus ille vel vnica ilia vrbis, vbi ſhee et hee, pro nominibus stant, et significant, vir, fœmina.
Articulorum declinatio
Quæ ad contractionem attinet hic sine regulis ſcribemus; sic autem omnia collocamus, vt primũ distinctè loquendj et scribendj modus, tum vulgaris et contractus adſcribatur {n. p.}
Articulus finitus. the. le ou la.
| Contractio. |
| N. the. |
| G. of the. | ov the vel o’the, vel o’th’ |
| Singul. | D. to the. | to th’ |
the. |
| A. the |
| V. ô the |
| A. from, by, with the. | by th’ |
| Pluralis a singulari non differt.
In vulgari et contractiore loquendi forma, et apud Poetas, articulus, the, cum nominibus à vocalj incipientibus contrahitur vt ſi vna pars orationis eſset, vt the aſſe, th’aſſe, όὐνος the other, th’other, ατερος. the image th’image, et hoc semper fit.
Aliquando ante h, cum h. quieſcit, vt th’hoſt, th’honor, th’honeſt.
Articulus vagus. a. un. ou. une
| N. a. |
| G. of a. ov a |
| D. to a. |
| Singul. | A. a. |
a. |
| V. |
| A. from, by, with a. |
| Caret omnino plurali.
Articulus a, si vocabulum sequens a vocalj incipiat vel h tenuj accipit n. ut hiatus tollatur. vt an ox, an aſſe, an evening, an hoſt, an honeſt, an honorable man.
De variatione Nominum
Cap. 3ũ.
Declinatio nominum fit præponendo articulos, ut
| N. the man. | th’man. vbi e tollitur et th’ ad præcedentẽ dictionẽ iungitur vt, I know th’man, pro I know the man. |
| G. of the man. | ov th’man vel oth’man |
Singul. | D. to the man. | to th’man |
| A. the man. | th’man |
| V. ô the man. | o th’man |
| A. from, by, with the man. | from th’man, by th’man |
Pluralis a pluralj nominis et articulo fit, vt the men &c |
Eodem modo variatur nomen cum articulo vago, vt a man, of a man, to a man, &c. {5}
De genere.
Articuli, nomina, participia, non agnoſcunt genera.
Ε Pronominibus hee ille, et shee illa admittunt generis distinctionem, id est, referuntur ad dictiones quibus sexus diſcrimen adest, vt hee is here. ille adest. shee is here. illa adest.
De Numero.
Articulis, adiectivis, participijs idem est singularis et pluralis, vt the man, the men, hόneſt man, hόneſt men, lόuing man, lόuing men, lόued man, lόued men.
Substantiuorum pluralis fit addendo s. singularj, vt hande, handes, ſtone, ſtones, bone, bones.
Finita in i vel y, in ss, in s consonante præcedente, et in x, accipiunt e in pluralj, vt infirmitie, infirmities, charity, charityes. hardines, hardineſſes. purſe, purſes. box, boxes.
Quæ f. habent in fine f vertunt in v conſo: ut calf, calvs. beef, beevs. theef, theevs. knife, knivs. wife, wives. life, lives.
Hæc sunt irregularia, man, men; wόman, wόmen; sow, truye, swine, ox, bœuf, oxen; bee, mouche a miel, been, mouſe, souris, miſe; tooth dens teeth, louſe, poux, liſe; foote pied feete, cow, vache, kine, childe, children.
De Nominum analogia
Cap. 4ũ
De Adiectivis
26Addendo syllabam leſſe ſubstantivi fini, fit adiectiuũ significationis contrariæ redditqȜ apud Græcos α στερητικόν vt fearleſſe ἂφοβος, harmeleſſe ἂκακος, fatherleſſe, motherleſſe, brotherleſſe, monyleſſe.
27Syllaba un in principio vim στερητικήν obtinet a ut á fained feint fit vnfained, non feint. faithfulneſſe fidelitas. unfaithfulness, infidelitas reperiuntur aliæ formæ στερητικαί in eadem voce. poſſumus dicere unharmless ἀάατος vel ἐκ ἄκακος. at tales formæ non sunt frequentes licet linguæ analogia hanc libertatem ferre queat. {n. p.}
28Si full substantiuo adiungas, fiet adiectiuum eiuſdem ſensus, plenitudinẽ quandã significans, vt hόpefull, full enim valet plenum: vt fearefull, harmefull, ſinfull, guilefull, mindefull, memor.
29Ly in fine substant. adiectiuũ eiuſdem significationis facit; li a like similis, vnde in ly finita similitudinem significant: vt louely, fatherly, motherly, brotherly, ſisterly, friendly.
30Y in fine substan: adiectiuum eiuſdem ſenſus: vt water aqua, watery aquoſus, æry,
earthy, ſtony, fiery.
31En substantivo adiunctum adiectivũ facit materiale, vt beech fagus, beechen faginus, oak ilex, oaken ilignũ, gold aurum, golden aureus.
32Syllaba ſome addita substantivo vel adiectivo sensum retinet. vt bright clarus brightſome, light lucidus lightſome, gladſome, noyſome.
33ish substantivo datum fit adiectiuum ſenſumqȜ retinet. vt water wateriſh, ſalt ſaltiſh, foole fooliſh, childe childiſh, ſlut, ſluttiſh.
Datum vero adiectivo, sensum diminuit, vt red rufus, reddiſh subrufus, bitter amarus, bitteriſh subamarus, ſweetiſh, yellowiſh, whitiſh.
De substantivis
34Addimus syllabam, neſſ, adiectivo et fit substantivũ ſenſus eiuſdem, vt feareleſneſſ ἀφοβία, harmeleſneſſ ἀκακία, motherleſneſ τὸ ἀμῆτορ, fatherleſneſſ, hopefullneſſ εὐελπισία, fearefulneſſ, meticuloſitas, louelieneſſ, τὸ φιλικὸν, fatherlineſſ paternitas, friendlineſſ, τὸ φιλικὸν earthineſſ, τὸ γηϊνὸν ſtonyneſſ, τὸ λιθινὸν brightſomeneſſ, claritudo, gladſomeneſſ τὸ χαρτικὸν ſaltiſhneſſ ἁλμυρότης, bitteriſhneſſ ύποπικρότης. {6}
Idem accidit adiectivis principalibus, vt white, whiteneſſe. albedo, good bonus, goodnes bonitas, light levis, lightneſſe leuitas, ſmooth Iæuis ſmoothneſſe læuitas.
35Vocabula quæ continere aliquid poſsunt accepto full fiunt substantiua mensuram significantia; vt ſpoone cochleare, ſpoonefull cochleariũ, hande handefull poignee, houſe maiſon, houſefull, townefull, ſhipfull, ſpit veru ſpitfull.
Vocabula vero quæ continerj poſsunt vel re vel cogitatione addito full fiunt adiectiua vt supra, fearefull, diſdainefull, quæ forma optime, quadrat vocibus affectiones vel aliquod simile significantibus, vt hopefull, ſpitefull, irefull, guilefull.
36hood, vel head addita substantivis qualitatem notat. vt manhood virilitas, womanhood fœminea virtus, knighthood la cheualerie, preiſthood sacerdotium
aliquando adiectivis vt livelyhood viuacitas beaſtlyhead bestialité.
37ship nominis cauda officium vel munus denotans, vt cόnsulſhip cόnsulatus, prætorſhippe, cénſorſhippe, wόrſhip dignitas, lόrdſhip signiorie.
38Est altera forma terminationis vt kingdome regnum, earledome counté.
De verbalibus
Dicuntur a themate verborum definentium in vocalem addendo r, in consonantem er, vt to loue, amare, a louer amator, to diſpùte, a diſpúter, to ſing, a ſinger; to cry, a cryer, to hurt, a húrter, to knocke a knόcker, to quaffe, a quaffer, to hunt, a hunter.
Quædam in ment finiunt, a verbis in dge, sh. ise, vel ze finitis, vt judgement, abridgement, baniſhment, ráuiſhment, púniſhment, impόueriſhment, diſgúiſement, amázement. {n. p.}
De Analogia adverbiorum.
Adverbia ab adiectivis principalibus formantur appositione ly fini: vt hόneſt hόneſtly, mόdeſt mόdeſtlie, fine finely brauement, true truly vrayement formantur etiam a deriuatis vt friendlesly, feárefully, eárthyly, lightſomely, ſáltiſhly, réddiſhly, wόoddenly, gόodlily, friendlily fiunt etiam a Participijs activis, vt lόuingly, stéalingly, et sæpe a passivis vt amazedly.
De gradibus comparationis
Comparantur recta et regularia in er, superlativa in est.
hac vero forma adiectiva, participia, adverbia, abundè fruuntur.
adiect | hόpefull | hόpefuller | hopefulleſt |
per contractionẽ | hopeful‘ſt |
Part. act. | lόuing | lόuinger | lόuingeſt | louing‘ſt
| |
Part. paſs. | léarned | léarneder | léarnedeſt | learned‘ſt | |
Adverb. | pόorely | pόorelier | pόorelieſt |
Aliter comparantur cum more plus, et leſſe minus, vel too much nimium, too little nimis parum. quorum superlativum est most, exempli gratia
hopefull | more hopefull | moſt hopefull |
hopefull | leſſe hopefull | leaſt hopefull |
alia forma ſuperlativorũ | |
vpper | vppermost |
higher | highermost |
vnder | vndermost |
| nethermost |
lower | lowermost |
former | formost |
πρωτος | πρώτιστος |
Quæ sequuntur sunt irregularia
ἄγαθος | good | better | beſt βέλτερος βέλτιστος
κακὸς | bad | worſe vel worſer | worſt |
μικρὸς | little | leſſe vel leſſer | leaſt |
De Diminitivis
Raro admittimus diminitiva niſj in nominibus proprijs quorum vſus frequens ut Richard Dicke, Thomas Tom, William Will, Robert Robin, &c. Chriſtofer Kit, Elizabeth Beſſe, Catherine Cate, &c.
Aliquando in Appellativis vt lamb lambkin, bull bulchin, vel bullocke, chicke chicken, gooſe goſling, ducke duckling, ſuckling, deare darling, ſtare ſtareling, cápon cáponet. {7}
De Pronomine. Cap.
Demonstrativa sunt I, thou, hee, ſhee.
| Contactiones | |
| N. I. |
| |
| Sing. | G. of mee. | ómmee | |
| D. to mee. | tómmee | |
| A. mee. |
| |
| V. ô mee. |
| |
I |
| A. from, by, with mee | wímmee vel wúmmee | |
N. wee |
| |
| G. of vs | ov vs | |
| Plu | D. to vs |
| |
| A. vs |
| |
| V. |
| |
| A. from, by, with vs |
| |
N thou |
| |
| G. of thee | ov thee vel o’thee | |
| Sing. | D to thee |
| |
| A. thee V. |
| |
thou |
| A. from, by, with thee |
| |
N you vel yee |
| |
| G. of you | o’ you vel ov you | |
| D to you |
| |
| Plu. | A. you |
| |
| V. ô you |
A. from, by, with you wee-you
| N. hee |
| G. of him | ov’him vel on’im |
| D. to him | to’im |
| Sing: | A. him | im |
| V. |
hee |
| A. from, by with him | from’im, by’im, with’im |
N they |
| G. of them | ov them, o’them, of’em, vel on’em |
| D to them | to’em |
| Plu: | A. them | em |
| V. |
| A from, by with them | from’em, by’em, with’em |
N. shee |
| G. of her | ov’er |
| Singularis | D. to her | to’er |
| A. her | er |
ſhee |
| V. ô shee |
| A. from, by, with her | from’er, by’er, with’er |
| Pluralis non differt a plurali they |
Addimus epitagmaticon myſelf hiſce Pronominibus, vt I myſelf, thou thyſelf, hee himſelf, genit. of mee myſelf, of thee thyſelf, of him himſelf.
Plur. wee ourſelues, you yourſelues, they themſelues. Genit of vs ourſelues &c., of you yourſelues, of them themſelues etc, in obliquis.
Præpositiva, my, thy, his, Plur. our, your, theire.
Subiunctiva, myne, thyne, his, Plur. ours, yours, theires. |
Cum vox sequens a vocali incipit vtimur subiunctivis præpositivorum vice, vt mine aũt, mine vncle, at hoc solum in numero ſingularj fit
Possessivũ nunquam recipit articulum vt apud Gallos. le mien etc.
Provocabulum which vel that, reddit qui quæ quod referturqȜ ad res et personas
who vero solum refertur ad perſonam. vt the man who loues you, vir qui te amat, nũquam ad res non enim dicimus the ſtone who is hard, sed the ſtone which vel that is hard, saxum quod durum est.
who in obliquis habet whom, vt of whom, to whom, whom, from, by, with whom.
whose reddit cujus vel quorũ, ut whose booke is this, cujus est hic liber. {n. p.}
This sing: ce. Theis Plur: ces. That illud. Thoſe illa
His post substantivum possessionem significat, vt Virgill his life, Virqilij vita, Scæuola his hand, manus Scæuolæ, Cæsar his comentary etc. quod in scripta oratione sæpe, et cum loquimur, semper contrahitur cum substantivo, hoc modo, Virgil’s life, Scævola’s hand, Cæſar’s comentary, Caſaubon’s Polibius, at post nomina s finita, ſic, Polibius’us hiſtorie, Claudius’is Meſſalina, Plautus’is comœdies.
thearof reddit Gallorũ en, ut hee hath eaten theareof. il en a mangé
De Verbo
Vnica nobis verborum coniugatio a qua quæ deflectunt verba, sunt anomala:
In regularibus thema prius conſiderandum est, dein aoristum et participium paſsiuum: a quo facta sunt præterita tempora.
Aoristum verborum regularium fit a themate addendo d ſi litera vltima fuerit vocalis, vt to loue amare, aorist. I loued amauj, sin conſonans, ed, vt to omitt, aor: I omitted.
Litera Characteristica nunquam mutantur.
Adiunguntur semper verbis personæ.
Terminatio personarum pluralium non diffidet a prima singulari
Paſſiuũ fit a participio paſſivo et verbo ſubstantivo, ut I am loved, je suis aimé. I am hurt, je suis bleſſé. {8}
j’ aime
| Contractionis ratio | |||||
sing: | I loue thou loueſt |
thou lou’st | ||||
| hee loueth |
| hee lou’st | ||||
| primũ |
| wee |
| ||||
| Plur: | you | love |
| ||||
Præsens |
| they |
| the loue | ||||
I doe |
| ||||
| sing: | thou doſt | loue |
| ||||
| hee doth |
| ||||
| secundũ |
| wee |
| ||||
| Plur: | you | do loue |
| ||||
| they |
Promiſcue vtimur duplici huius temporis forma, at sæpius prima, secunda vero cum emphaticωs loquimur, vel in interrogationibus.
| I did |
| sing: | thou didst |
J’aymay Imperfect. |
| hee did |
loue |
| Plur: | wee |
| you | did |
| they |
I loued |
I lou’d |
| sing: | thou louedſt |
| thou lou’dſt |
J’aymay |
| hee loued |
| hee lou’d |
Aoristum |
Plur. |
wee |
| you | loued |
| they |
Hoc tempus aoristum Græcum vel Gallicum reddit: vt I made, ἐποίησα, je fis.
| I haue |
| I’a |
| sing: | thou haſt |
| thou’aſt vel brevis th’aſt |
| hee hath | loued | hee has vel hee’as | lou’d |
Præterit. |
| wee |
| wee |
| Plur. | you | haue | you ay’a |
| they |
| they th’a |
Hoc tempus vim præter. Perf. Grεcj vel Gallicj retinet, vt I have made πεποίηχα j’ay fait. {n. p.}
J’auoy aimé |
| I had |
| I’ad |
| sing: | thou hadſt |
| thou’adſt th’adſt |
pluſquã perf: |
| hee had |
loued | hee’ad hee’d |
lou’d |
| wee |
| wee wee’d |
| Plur: | you had |
| you adya’d |
| they |
| they |
J’ajmeray |
| ||
| I will |
| I’le |
| |
| sing: | thou wilt |
| thou’lt |
| |
futurũ 1mũ |
| hee will |
loue | hee’le |
loue |
| |
| Plur: | wee you will |
| wee’le you’le |
| |
| they |
| they’le |
In prima persona singularj et pluralj semper voluntas agendj significatur, in cæteris, modo voluntas, modo simplex futuri temporis eventus, vt, hee will come, il viendra, hee will bee hanged, il veult estre pendu. 1: il sera pendu.
| I ſhall |
| Prima perſona |
| sing. | thou ſhalt |
| utriuſqȜ numerj |
| hee ſhall |
| subseruit promiſsis |
futurũ 2ũ |
| loue |
| reliquæ numquam |
| wee |
| Plur | you ſhall |
| they |
Hoc futurum neceſsitatem, certitudinem eventus, omnibus perſonis et numeris enunciat: sæpe imperativj vim obtinet.
Secunda et tertia persona vtriuſqȜ numerj subſerviunt promiſsis et imperijs, prima vero nunquam. at Scotj aliter: quj cum dicerent I will love, dicunt I ſhall loue you.
| I ſhall |
| I ſhall’a |
| |
| sing: | thou ſhalt |
| thou ſhalt’a vel ſhat’a | lou’d |
| hee ſhall |
| hee shall’a etc. |
| |
futurũ 3ũ |
| haue loued |
| |
| wee |
| |
| Plur. | you ſhall |
| |
| they |
fit a futuro verbi haue et participio præteritj: vnde significatio mixta est, gallicè j‘auray aimé, I ſhall haue written γεγραφώς έσομαι et interrogatiue, ſhall one haue ſent ſo many to hell? vnus tot miſerit orco?
| sing: | loue let him loue |
let im loue |
aime: qu’il aime |
let vs loue |
let’s loue |
| Plur. | loue you |
| let them loue | let em loue |
Let him loue, verbatim, sine illum amare. {9}
Je prie dieu qȜ j’aime |
I pray god |
sing. | I thou |
Prεns. |
| hee |
loue |
plu. | wee you |
| they |
Imperfectum: vt aoristũ indicativj vt I would to god, vel I would (per contractio: I wud) I loued, vtinam amarem &c.
Perfectum vt perfect indicativj: I pray god I haue loued, vtinam amauerim.
Pluſquã perfectũ vt pluſquã perfect Indicativj. I would to god, vel I would I had loued vtinam amauiſsem.
Futurum vt præſens, addendo, heereafter, cy-apres, vt I pray god I loue heereafter.
Modus Potentialis, potentiã, permiſsionem, vel caſũ quendã enuntiat
sing: | I can thou canſt |
præs: 1 |
| hee can |
loue |
| plu: | wee |
| you can |
| they |
I can loue, verbatim, poſsum amare, potentiam enim prima hæc forma nunciat: vt nec sperent Tartara regem, hell cannot expect a king.
sing: | I may thou maiſt |
præſ: 2 |
| hee may |
| loue. |
| plur: | wee |
| you may |
| they |
Hæc forma permiſsionis vim habet, vt expectes hoc a me thou maiſt expect this of me. 1. Liceat tibj hoc etc. vel potes etc I may speake the truth, licet mihi loqui veritatem hee may doe mee good, his caſum significat.
sing: |
| I could thou couldst |
| I cou’d thou cou’dſt |
Imperf. |
1ũ |
| hee could |
loue. | hee cou’d |
plur: |
wee |
| you could |
| they |
Fit a prima forma præsentis, eandemqȜ vim tenet quoad ſignificationem. vt I could ſay dicerem, vel poteram dicere.
sing: |
| I might thou mightst |
| 2ũ |
| hee might |
plur: |
wee | loue. |
| you might |
| they |
Fit a ſecunda forma præſentis, eiusqȜ significationem retinet permiſsivam vel fortuitam. {n. p.}
1. | I can haue loued thou canſt haue loued etc, ut | I can a lou’d |
| tempus præsens, haue et participio |
Perfectum |
| additis |
| 2 | I may haue loued etc. ut præſens |
| haue cum participio addito |
I can haue loued, poſsum amaſse, amaverim
I may haue loued, fortè an amaverim
| sing. | I could thou couldſt |
| 1. |
| hee could haue loued |
| Plur. | wee |
| you could |
pluſquã perfect. |
| they
Fit ab imperfecto primo addito haue cum participio I could haue loued, amauiſsem, vel poteram amaviſse |
| I might |
| 2. |
| thou mightſt etc. vt imperfectum: apposito haue cum Participio |
I might haue killed him, licuerat mihi illum occidiſse.
futurum a præſenti non diſcrepat, vt I may loue heereafter, I can loue heereafter
Præſens vt præſens optativj: vt though I loue, although I loue quamvis amem
sing: | I would thou wouldſt |
| I woo’d thou wu’dſt | I’de thou’dſt |
| hee would |
| hee wu’d | hee’d |
| 1. |
| loue |
| loue |
| Plur: | wee |
| wee wu’d | wee’d |
| you would |
| you wu’d | you’d |
| they |
| they wu’d | they’d |
J’aimeroy. Imperfectũ. |
I would ſpeake je parleroy, vellem loquj: formatur a primo future Indicativj, a will, would, though I would loue quamvis amarem vel quamvis vellem amare
| I ſhould |
| I ſhou’d |
2. | ſing: | thou ſhouldſt hee ſhould loue |
| thou ſhoud’ſt hee ſhou’d loue |
| wee |
| wee |
| Plur: | you ſhould |
| you ſhou’d |
| they |
| they |
Though I ſhould loue, quamvis deberem amare, thou ſhouldſt labor, deberes laborare, you ſhould ſpeake, vous deuriez parler. {10}
| I would haue loued etc. fit ab imperfecto addito haue et participio: I would have beleiued, Crediderim vel credidissem; I would haue said, dixerim. |
Perfectũ et | 1. | I would haue granted Conceſserim: voluntatem semper indicat, vt I would haue giuen volueram dare. |
I ſhould haue loued, thou ſhouldeſt haue loued, hee ſhould haue loued etc. |
| 2. | fit ab imperfecto addito haue et participio, indicatio semper est debitj, vt I ſhould haue loued, debueram amare, thou ſhouldſt haue imitated, debueras imitarj, vel imitatus eſses |
præſ: et imperf: to loue amare.
perfect: et plus. to haue loued amaviſse.
futur. to loue heereafter.
Partic. activũ: louing fit a themate addendo ing. ſi in conſonantem definat, vt to help, helping adiuuans. sin in vocalem, reijce vocalem et adde ing, vt loue louing, moue mouing.
Particip. paſs. loued, in regularibus non diſcrepat ab aoristo.
De verbo substantivo, I am, sum, a quo cum participio paſsiuo, omnia verba paſsiva facta sunt: vt I am loued, amor, I was loued amabar etc.
| sing: | I am thou art |
th’art | |
Je suis |
| hee is |
| hee’s | |
præſens |
wee |
| |
| plur: | you | are | y’are | |
| they |
| th’are | |
| |
| I was |
| |
| sing: | thou waſt |
| |
J’estoy vel je fus. |
| hee was |
| |
imperfect: et aoristũ | plur: |
wee |
| |
| you | were |
| |
| they |
| {n. p.}
| |
J’ay esté
| I haue bene, thou haſt bene, hee hath bene etc. |
| |||
Perfect. |
pluſquã perf. I had bene, thou hadſt bene, hee had bene etc.
je seray | 1 | I wil bee, thou wilt bee, hee wil bee etc. |
futurum | 2. | I ſhal bee, thou ſhalt bee, hee ſhal bee etc. |
j‘auray este | 3. | I will vel ſhall haue bene, thou wilt vel ſhalt haue bene, hee will vel ſhall haue bene etc. |
ſoys. | bee thou, let him bee, let vs bee, bee you, let them bee. |
vtinam sim præſ. | I praie god I bee, thou bee vel beeſt, hee bee, wee bee, you bee, they bee.
Imperfect. eſsẽ. | I would I were, thou wer‘ſt vel weart, hee weare, wee weare, you weare, they weare. |
perfect: fuerim | I pray god I haue bene, thou hast bene etc. |
pluſq: fuiſsem | would I had bene, thou hadſt bene etc. |
futur: fuero | pray god I bee heereafter, thou beeſt heereafter etc. |
præſ. | 1 I can bee, thou canſt bee, hee can bee, wee can bee etc. |
2. I may bee, thou maiſt bee, hee may bee, wee may bee etc. | |
Imperfect: | 1 I could bee, thou couldſt bee, hee could bee, wee could bee etc. |
2 I might bee, thou mightſt bee, hee might bee, wee might bee etc. | |
Perfect | 1 I can haue bene, thou canſt haue bene, hee can haue bene, wee can haue bene etc. |
2. I may haue bene, thou mayſt haue bene, hee may haue bene, wee may haue bene etc. | |
Pluſquãperf. | 1 I could haue bene, thou couldſt haue bene, hee could haue bene, wee could haue bene etc. |
2. I might haue bene, thou mightſt haue bene, hee might haue bene, wee might haue bene etc. | |
futurum | 1 I can bee heereafter, thou canſt bee heereafter. |
2 I may bee heereafter, thou mayſt bee heereafter. |
Præſ. | though I bee, though thou beeſt vel bee, hee bee, wee bee etc. |
imperfect. | though I weare, thou wearſt vel weart, hee weare, wee weare, you weare, they weare. |
Imperfect proprium | though I would bee, thou wouldſt bee, hee would bee, wee would bee etc. |
| though I ſhould bee, thou ſhouldſt bee, hee ſhould bee, wee ſhould bee etc. |
though I would haue bene, thou wouldſt haue bene, hee would haue bene. | |
though I ſhould haue bene, thou ſhouldſt haue bene, hee ſhould haue bene. |
præſ: imperfect | to bee. estre. |
perf: pluſquãp. | to haue bene auoir este. |
Particip: Activũ: | beeing. estant. |
Particip: paſſ: | beene. vel bin. {11} |
Verba apud Latinos cum Præpoſitionibus compoſita interpretamur, Præpoſitionis ſignificatũ ponendo post verbum, vt abeo I goe away, vel I goe from, adeo I goe vnto, ineo I goe into, exeo I goe out, circumeo I goe about, subeo I goe vnder, colloquor I speake with, concurro I runne togeather, diſrumpo I breake aſunder, refero I bring againe, superaddo I adde moreouer, supercurro I runne vpon, impono I ſett vpon, obiaceo I ly before etc.
39ouer ſolum, valet super et trans. at in compoſitione qua cum omnibus fere verbis coagmentatur vincendj vel superandj vim habet, vt to overgoe eundo superare, to ouer-read legendo sup: to ouerſhoote iaculando sup: to ouerſpèake loquendo sup: et id genus infinita. Eundem quoq3 sensũ habet et out40, vt to outride equitando sup. to outleàp saltando sup: etc.
ouer etiam exceſsum agendi vult, vt to ouerpraiſe nimis laudare, to overprìſe pluris rem æstimare quam valet, to ouerſell rem pluris quam quanti valet vendere, to ouerſtuddy studere nimis, to ouer-read legere nimis, et huiuſmodj sexcenta; eundem sensum et out.
41vnder contrariũ ſignificat. to vnderſell minoris vendere quam quantj est: huiuſmodj verbis accuſativũ, vel substantivũ vel pronomen cum ſelf addimus vt hee ouer-readeth himselfe; nimium legit. hee ouerplougheth the oxen facit vt boues nimis arent, hee ouerlaboureth his ſervants facit vt servj nimis laborent. atque hic prægnantẽ ſignificatũ habet ut apud Latinos et Greecos.
42with valet cum. at in compoſito, nunc de, vt to withdraw deducere, withhold detinere nunc contra, vt to withſtand, raro cum alijs componitur.
43un reddit verbum cum quo componitur contrarij significatus, vt to fold plicare, to vnfold displicare. to clothe induere, to vnclothe exuere, quam formam compoſitionis omnia recipiunt verba.
44Mis in compoſ. obliquè vel malè significat: vt to miſinterpret male interpretarj, to miſlead male ducere, aliquando cum nominibus vt miſhap mala fortuna.
Supinum primum Latinorũ redditur aliquando ab infinitivo, vt eo viſum I goe to ſee, aliquando a Participio activo cum a vt eo venatum I goe a hunting, piſcatum eo I goe a fishing, eunt bibitũ they goe a drinking, eunt stellas speculatum they goe a ſtarre gazing.
45Ab adiectivis fiunt verba sæpiſsime addendo, en, vt ſweete doulx, to ſweeten addoucir, ſharpe acutum, to ſharpen acuere, et huiuſmodj infinita.
Fiunt etiam a substantivis pene omnibus, vt a head Caput, to head caput imponere (at to beehead sig: decollare) a finger digitus, to finger digitis attrectare, a hand manus, to handle tractare, ſilver argentum to ſilver, a boord table, to boord recevoir en penſion.
Horum verborum Participia paſsiva frequenter vſurpantur, vt a man well landed, vn homme qui a beaucoup de terre, land well watered terre la ou il y a beaucoup d’eau, a countrie well meadowed, well woodded, well town‘d, well villaged, vn pais plein de pres, de bois, de villes, de villages, et huiuſmodj innumerabilia.
46on post verbum significat continuationem actionis vt to ſpeake on loqui pergere. Aliquando idem ac vppon, vt to ſett on imponere ὲπιτιθέναι. {n. p.}
47bee in compoſitis auget significationem, vt to bewaile lamentarj, to bethinke cogitare, to beſmeare inungo, to beetake, vt hee betaketh himſelf to his booke omnino se dedicat literis, to beeſpitt conſpuere, to foule spurcare, to beefoule conspurcare, et sic in cæteris.
Anomala ordine Alphabeti deſcripta.
Thema | Aoristũ | Particip. |
| |||
Abide | abode | abidden | remanere |
| |||
ariſe | aròſe | aríſen | surgere |
| |||
awake | awooke awoke awaked |
awaked |
experge fierj |
| |||
backebite |
backebitt |
backebitten |
calũniarj verbatĩ, dorſũ mordere. |
| |||
beare | bore | borne | ferre vel parere |
| |||
beat | beet | béaten | verberare |
| |||
begìn | begàn | begòn | incipere |
| |||
behoùld | behèld | beheld beholden | contemplari v. aspicere. |
| |||
bend | bent | bent bended | intendere |
| |||
beerèaue | beerèſt | beerèft | auferre |
| |||
bidd | bad | bidden | iubere |
| |||
binde | bound | bound | vincire | ||||
bite | bitt | bitten | mordere | ||||
bleede | bled | bled | cruentari vel mittere sãguine | ||||
blow | blew | blowen | flare | ||||
breake | broke | broken | rumpere | ||||
breed | bred | bred | procreare | ||||
bring | brought | brought | afferre | ||||
build | built | built | ædificare | ||||
buy | bought | bought | emere | ||||
Can |
| could | bene able | poſse | |||
catch | caught | caught | prenſare | ||||
chaw | chew | chewd | manducare | ||||
chide | chid | chidden | reprehendere | ||||
chooſe | choaſe | choaſen | eligere | ||||
cleave | cleft | clóven | ſe prendre | ||||
clime | clombe | climed | scandere | ||||
cleeve | cloave | cleft | findere | ||||
cough | cought | cought | tuſsire | ||||
came | came | cumn | venire | ||||
comb | kem’d | kemb vel kempt | pectere | ||||
creepe | crept | crept | repere, serpire | ||||
Ding |
| dung | ding’d | infligere | |||
dare | durſt | darde | audere | ||||
deale | delt | delt | distribuere | ||||
doe | did | don | agere | ||||
draw | drew | drawne | trahere | ||||
drinke | drunke | drunk vel drunken | bibere | ||||
drive | drove | driven | agere, pellere | ||||
E eat |
| ate | eaten | edere | |||
F fall |
| fell | falne | cadere | |||
fell | felld | felld | arbores cedere | ||||
feede | fed | fed | paſcere | ||||
feele | felt | felt | sentire vel palpare | ||||
fetch | fett | fetch’t | apporter | ||||
fight | fought | fought vel foughten | pugnare | ||||
finde | fownd | fownd | invenire | ||||
[fly] | flew | flowne | fugere v. volare | ||||
fling | flung | flung | iacere | ||||
forſake | forſooke | forſaken | abandoner | ||||
fraight | fraught | fraught | onerare navẽ | ||||
freeſe | froſe | frozen | glaciare congelare | ||||
G Gett |
| gott | gotten | parare | |||
giue | gaue | gáuen | dare | ||||
goe | went | gone | ire | ||||
grow | grew | growne | creſcere | ||||
H hang |
| hung | hánged | pendere | |||
heare | heard | heard | audire | ||||
helpe | holpe | holpen, vel helpt | adiuuare | ||||
hide | hid | hidden | abſcondere | ||||
hitt | hat | hitten vel hitt | tenere | ||||
hould | held | holden vel held | servare | ||||
K keepe |
| kept | kept | servare | |||
know | knew | knowne | noſcere | ||||
L lode |
| lade | lóden | onerare | |||
lead | led | led | ducere | ||||
leape | lept vel leape | lept vel lópen | saltare | ||||
leave | left | left | relinquere | ||||
lend | lent | lent | mutuo dare | ||||
ly | lay | layd | iacere | ||||
looſe | looſt | looſed | diſsoluere | ||||
loſe | loſt | loſt | perdere | ||||
M make |
| made | made | facere | |||
meete | met | met | obviam ire | ||||
melt | mólted | mólten | fundere | ||||
P pérbreake |
| pérbroake | pérbroaken | vomere | |||
R reach |
| raught | reach’t | porrigere | |||
ride | rid rode | rídden rode | equitare | ||||
ring | rung | rung | pulsare nolam | ||||
riſe | roſe | ríſen | surgere | ||||
run | ran | run | currere | ||||
S See |
| ſaw | ſeene | videre | |||
ſeeth | ſod | ſodden vel ſod | bullire v. coquere | ||||
ſell | ſould | ſould | vendere | ||||
ſend | ſent | ſent | mittere | ||||
ſhake | ſhooke | ſháken vel ſhooke | quatere | ||||
ſheere | ſhore | ſhorne | tondere | ||||
ſhead | ſhed | ſhed | effũdendo ꝑdere | ||||
ſhine | ſhone | ſhíned vel ſhone | lucere | ||||
ſhite | ſhitt | ſhítten vel ſhitt | cacare | ||||
ſhoote | ſhott | ſhott vel ſhótten | τοξεύειν | ||||
ſhew | ſhod | ſhod | calciamentũ induere, calciare | ||||
ſhrinke | ſhronk | ſhronk | retroiſsir, succumbere onerj | ||||
ſing | ſong ſang | ſong | cantare | ||||
ſinke | ſunke ſanke, | ſunke | diſſidere | ||||
ſitt | ſate | ſitten | sedere | ||||
ſkim | ſkum | ſkim’d | eſcumer {12} | ||||
ſlay | ſlew | ſlaine | occidere necare | ||||
ſleepe | ſlept | ſlept | dormire | ||||
ſlide | ſlid | ſlídden | gliſcere | ||||
ſling | ſlung | ſlung | funditare | ||||
ſwell | ſweld | ſwolne | enfler | ||||
ſmell | ſmelt | ſmelt | olere vel olfacere | ||||
ſmite | ſmitt, ſmote | ſmitten | percutere | ||||
ſnow | ſnew’d | ſnew’d, ſnow’d | ningere | ||||
ſpeake | ſpoke, ſpake | ſpoken | Loquj | ||||
ſpend | ſpent | ſpent | impendere | ||||
ſpitt | ſpat | ſpitten, ſpitt | spuere | ||||
ſpill | ſpilt | ſpilt | |||||
ſplitt | ſplit | ſplit | findere | ||||
ſpread | ſpred | ſpred | explicare | ||||
ſpring | ſprong | ſprong | scaturire | ||||
ſpin | ſpan ſpun | ſpun | nere | ||||
ſtake | ſtooke | ſtak’t | mettre argent pour jouer | ||||
ſtand | ſtood | ſtood | stare | ||||
ſteale | ſtoale | ſtólen | furere | ||||
ſtench | ſtench’t | ſtenched | sistere quod fluit | ||||
ſticke | ſtooke | ſtickt | hærere | ||||
ſting | ſtung | ſtung | infigere aculeũ | ||||
ſtinke | ſtunke, ſtanke | ſtunke, | male olere | ||||
ſtrow | ſtrew | ſtrowne | sternere | ||||
ſtride | ſtridd | ſtrídden | diuaricare | ||||
ſtrike | ſtrooke | ſtrícken | percellere | ||||
ſtring | ſtrong | ſtrung | instruere nervis | ||||
ſtrive | ſtroave | ſtríven | contendere | ||||
ſweare | ſwoare | ſworne | iurare | ||||
ſweate | ſwett ſwatt | ſwett | sudare | ||||
ſweepe | ſwept | ſwept | verrere | ||||
ſwim | ſwam ſwum | ſwum | natare | ||||
ſwing | ſwong | ſwong | brimballer, oſcillare | ||||
T take |
| tooke | taken | accipere | |||
teach | taught | taught | docere | ||||
teare | toare | torne | dechirer | ||||
tell | told | told | dicere | ||||
thaw | thaw’d vel thewd | thaw’d | degeler | ||||
thinke | thought thaught | thought | putare | ||||
thrive | throve | thríven | creſcere | ||||
throw | threw | thrówen | iacere | ||||
tread | trode | tróden | fouller | ||||
W Weare |
| woare | worne | user en portant | |||
weave | woove | wooven | ordir | ||||
weepe | wept | wept | lachrimare | ||||
winde | woownd | woownd | |||||
winke | wonke wink’t | wink’t | connivere | ||||
win | wan wun | wun | vincere | ||||
wipe | wip’t | wip’t | abstergere | ||||
worke | wrought | wraught | laborare | ||||
wring | wrong | wring'd | stringere | ||||
write | writt wrote | wrítten | scribere | ||||
writhe | writh’d | wríthen | torquere | ||||
whet | whetted | whet | acuere, aiguiſer. |
in loco | heere hic, there illic, withín intus, without foris, ány where uſquã, nóe-where nuſquam, where vbi, everie where vbiq3, whereſoeuer vbicunq3, either where vtrobiq3, otherwhere alibj, ſomewhere alicubj, aboue superius, below inferius, aſide iuxta.
| |
ad locum | héther huc, théther illuc, ány whether quoquò, nóe-whether nequò, whether quo?, whetherſoeuer quolibet, everie whether quoquò, ſomewhether aliquò, without foras, otherwhither aliorſsum, vpward surſum, dówneward deorſum, ſideward verſũ latus, fórward antrorſum, backward retrorſum. | |
a loco | from hence vel hence hinc, from thence vel thence illinc, from within intus, from without foras, from whence vel whence? vnde? Whence ſoeuer vndecũq3, from aboue supernè, from below inferne
| |
| per locũ | this waie hac, that waie iliac, anyway aliqua, the ſame way eadem, noe way nequa. |
temporis | while, whilſt dum, when cũ, how long? quãdiu? lately dudũ, euen now iamdudũ, ſo oft toties, as oft quoties, yeſterday herj, to daie hodie, to morrow cras, early manè, late tardè, now nunc, otherwhile alias, whilom olim, also item, a little while pauliſper, a piſſing while, a paternoſter while, a long while, a dinner while, et sic cũ plurimis nominibus spatiũ temporis denotantibus, often ſæpe, ſeldome raro, dailie quotidie, howrelie, monethlie, yearelie quotannis, weekelie, at once simul, etc. {n. p.}
Numerj | once semel, twice bis, thrice ter, fourtimes quater, fivetimes quinquies, fortie times quadragies, a hundred times centies, a thouſand times millies.
ordinis | from henceforward de hinc, last of all noviſsime, firſt of all imprimis, at length demum. |
Interrogandj | why? cur?, wherefore? quare?, but why? quin?, why not? quippe nj?, why ſoe? quid ita?, how much? quantum?, whence? vnde?, whether? quo? |
Negandj | noe minime, by noe meanes nullo modo, nay non. |
affirmandj | yes etiam, ſoe ſic, I ita, altogeather prorſus, to witt nimirum, apart seorſim, man by man viritim, towne by town oppidatim. |
dubitandj | vt peradventure forſan, perchance forſitan |
Similitudinis | vt ſo ſic, thus ita, evenſo ſicutj, as it were tanquam, even as velutj. |
hardlie vix, scarce vix, almost pene, welny pene. | |
rather potuis, eſpeciallie potiſsimum, nay rather imo, nay imo. | |
twofould bifariam, threefould trifariam, etc. many fould plurifariam. |
De Coniunctione
And et, either aut, or vel, neither neq3, nor nec,
Coniunctionem, vel, geminatam sic reddimus: vel scribit vel dictat, hee either writeth or dictateth, nec ſcribit nec legit, hee neither writeth nor readeth, et scribit et loquitur, hee both writeth and speaketh.
but sed, nay but at, truelie vero, but if quod sj,
therefore ergo, wherefore? quare?
forthy (poeti:) igitur, for nam, wheather an, although etſi, yet tamen, notwithſtanding non obstante, at length saltem, since quando, ſithen quando.
De Præpoſitione
Apud poetas frequenter postponuntur.
with cum, | beyond trans | after post |
vnto tenus | within intra | from a, ab |
vpto | without extra, ſine | of de |
towards verſus | about circum, circa | out of e |
out ex | betweene inter | for pro |
to ad | below infra | in in |
before ante, ob, præ | ouer againſt iuxta | aboue super |
againſt adverſus, vel contra | by per | below subter |
on this ſide cis | neare prope | vnder subter. {13} |
on that ſide trans | beſide præter |
Enallage partium.
Substantivũ pro adjectivo. ut ſea water aqua marina, feild mouſe, mus agrostis, water ratt ſorex aquatis, ſky color.
Adjectivũ pro ſubstantivo, addendo articulũ, ut take the good and leave the badd. prennez le bon et laissez le mal, ut apud Latinos triste lupus stabulis.
Adjectivũ pro adverbio, ut hee ſpeak’s eloquent pro eloquently.
Participiũ activũ cum articulo pro nomine, ut the ſpeakinge, pro the speech, elocutio, the lookinge pro the lookes, aſpectus, the goinge pro the gate, greſsus.
Pronomẽ vice nominis addito articulo, ut the hee, the ſhee.
Verbũ infinitũ pro nomine, ut to ſpeake well and ſeldome is wiſdome, bene loqui et rarò ſapientia est.
Præpoſitio pro adverbio, ut hee went before, præijt.
Præpoſitio pro verbo, ut I will over the river, pro I will goe over the river, transito flumen, quod Græcij familiar, aliæ fiunt mutationes quas omitto. {n. p.}
De etymologia.
Mixtam eſſe Anglorũ linguã non inficias eo, quod et cæteræ regiones faterj neceſſe habent, quæ incolarũ mutationes paſſæ ſunt. Maximam dialecti nostræ partem Germanis debemus, Normannis magnã, à Gallis ſpolia quædã et verborũ manubias retulerunt patres qui olim rerũ in Galliis poſiti ſunt. ab Italis equitandi, ædificandi aliquot vocabula transtulimus. Hiſpani gladiandi quædã dederunt. De etymo verborũ quæ ab his traximus nullus loquar, quoniam quiſq3 ſuæ linguæ peritus quæ mutuò accepimus facillimè notaterit. Heic
ſolũ voces quæ à Lingua Latina (communj cæterarũ theſauro) propiùs abſunt tractabo, quæ vero longiùs petitæ fuerint prudens ſciensq3 omitto.
Nomina latina in tas, tas vertunt in ty, ut veritas verity, facilitas facility.
Quæ in io apud Latinos finiunt, à genitivis faciunt ion ut institutio institution, administration, etc.
Ab ornamentũ, ornament, auri pigmentũ orpement, et ſic de cæteris.
Quæ in alis deſinunt vertuntur in al, ut materialis, material.
A fortitudo, fortitude, etc.
Quæ in bilis cadunt in ble mutantur, ut detestabilis, detestable.
Quæ in ntia in nce, ut à temperantia, temperance, ſapientia ſapience, etc. {14}
Verba ut plurimũ à participijs paſſivis Latinis deducta ſunt aliquando à themate.
Primæ conjugationis Latinæ plurima à participio, ut à celebratum, to celebrate, inanimatũ to inanimate, etc.
Quæ verò duplicem conſonantẽ in penultima habent cujuscunq3 fuerint ordinis, formant nostratia à themate, ut to commend, condemn, to defend, to intend, a commendo, condemno, defendo, intendo.
Quædã etiam ita ſeſe non habentia a themate, ut to prepare, compare, to note, to provoke, a paro, noto, provoco.
ſecundæ conjugationis plurima à participio, ut to prohibit, exhibit, reviſe, etc.
Quædã à themate, ut to containe, retaine, à teno, to perſwade, etc.
In tertia, à participio, ut to afflict, to reject, detect, reſpect, contract, exact, deduct, etc.
Quædã à themate, to invade, deduce, traduce, etc.
Quædã à participiis et gerundiis, ut to compoſe, diſpoſe, expoſe, propoſe; à gerund: to compound, expound, propound. Hæc Scotj à themate ducunt, ut to propone, expone, compone, etc.
In quarta à participijs, ut to invest, prevent, to exhaust. {n. p.}
Gallj fero omnia à themate ducunt, nos è contra a participijs, quod argumento eſſe queat, nos hoc genus vocabula non a Gallis (ut quidã volunt) sed ab ipso fonte petijſſe.
Sexcenta ſunt hujuſcemodj verba et nomina quæ Latine ſcientibus facilè notarj poſſunt. Verùm nostrates his loquendj formulis nimis abundè utuntur, cum linguæ propriæ analogiam vel turpitèr neſciant, vel prudentes negligant.
De compoſitione
Mira nobis in hoc genere fœlicitas, quo Gallos, Italos, Hispanos immane quantum ſuperamus.
Sæpe tria coagmentantur nomina, ut a foote-bal-player, qui pila ludit pede, a tennis-court-keeper ſphæristerij prεfectus, gall. tripotier, a wood-cock-killer un homme qui tue des becaſſes.
Sæpiſſimè duo substantiva, ut hand-kercher, mouchoir, table-napkin, mappa, table-cloth, la nappe, head-ake, χεφαλαλγία, rainbow, areus cælestis, eiſore, oculorũ dolor, hart-ake, cordolium.
Substantivũ cum verbali frequentèr, ut à man-ſlayer, άνδροφόνος, hors-stealer, qui derobe des chevaux. {15}
Substantivũ cum verbo, ut woodbind, woodſpeck.
Pronomen cũ ſubstantivo, ut ſelf-love, φιλαυτία, ſelf-freedom άύτονομία, ſelf-murderer άὺτοχειρ
Verbũ cum ſubstantivo, ut puff-cheeke φυσίγναθος, draw-bridg, pont leué, etc.
Adjectivũ cum ſubstantivo, ut newtowne νεάπολις, handi-craft, Χειρισοφία.
Adverbiũ cum participio, ut up-riſinge, wel-ſpeakinge, downe-lookinge, etc.
Longũ eſſet omnes hujuſcemodi formas enumerare nam omnes orationis partes inter ſe viciſſim cohærent, atq3 id non ſine ſum̃a elocutionis elegantia modo non inverecunde votamur.
1 a.
2 bee
3 cee
4 dee
5 e
6 f
7 gee
8 hoc est vt G Germanorum
9 ach
10 i.
11 ka
12 el.
13 em
14 en
15 o.
16 pee.
17 qu.
18 ar
19 eſs.
20 tee.
21 u
22 doble u
23 ex
24 y.
25 ezard.
26 lesse.
27 un.
28 full.
29 ly
30 y.
31 en.
32 some
33 Ish.
34 neſſ.
35 full
36 hood vel head.
37 shipp
38 dome.
39 Ouer
40 Out.
41 vnder.
42 with.
43 vn.
44 Mis
45 en.
46 On
47 bee.