The Measures as they are danced in the Inner Temple Hall.
The ceremony from fol. 6 & 7 to come in here.
First measure the Quadryan Pavin.
1. Two single sides and a double forwarde, two single sides and a double backe. Four times over and see end.
2d measure Turky Lonye
A double forward and a double backe 4 times 2 singles syde and a double forward and a double back 4 times and soe end.
3d measure The Earle of Essexs Measure
2. A deuble forward and a single, and a single back 4 times. Then two singles side and a double forward and a double back once, then all this measure once over and soe end.,
4th measure Tenternayle
A double forward and a double back once then take your woman by the right hand and slide to slides and a double rounde in armes both wayes, then a double forward and a double backe 3 times, then take the woman by the right hand and slide two singles, and a double round in armes both wayes and soe end.
5th measure The Old Almayne a round measure.
Take both hands and slyde a single and a double round in armes both wayes, then slyde 4 doubles rounde about the hall and close, ye last double face to face then hold both hands and slyde 2 singles and a double round in armes both wayes and soe end.
6th measure The Queenes Almayne a round measure
A double forwards and a double back with the left legg turne face to face, and sett and turne with the left legg a double forward and a double back with the right legg turne face to face and sett and turne with the right lege, then slide 4 doubles round about the hall and close, the last double face to face. Then the first and second parts once a peice over againe and soe ende.
Cecilia 7 measure Sicilia Almaine.
Two singles and a double forwards, and a single back twice the 1st part and the second time part hands and turne face to face. 2d pt, then 2 single sydes the first with the left legg, the second with the right, then honour with the left legg and close againe, then change places with 2 singles and a double over mto each others places & ture all face to face, and honour with the right lege, then meet with 2 stepps and embrace, Doe all this 2d part
step for step into your owne places.
8 measure The Black Almaine
3 Syde 4 double round about the hall and close the last double face to face, then part your hands and goe all in a double back one from another and meet a double againe, then goe a double to the left hand and as much back to the right hand then all on the women syde stand still and the men sett and turne then all the men stand still, and the women sett and turne, thea hold both hands and change places with a double, & slide four french slydes to the raans right hand, change places againe with a double and slyde 4 french slydes to the right hand againe, then part hands and goe back a double one from another and meete a double againe then all this Measure once over and soe end. The 2d all the men stand still & the women begin sett and turne first and then men last.
Sinke a pace
Then after all the measures be done hold hands and dance the Sinke 4 pace one round about the hall till you come to your one place againe and soe ende. this is as plaine as I can express it & with the musick may be easily understood and practised.
Arguiis Measure to be danct about the middle of the measures.
First the men walk up 4 double and stand with their faces Inward. Then the women walke up and stand with their backs against the men, then the men Honr to the women, then passe over one into anothers place the women with their backs to the men as before then joyne all hands with their own and goe round then the women begin as the men did (&c) and soe end.
The Ceremonye
For the Ceremonye at the at the begimning. You first call a hall & the Mr of the Revells goes before the Mrs of the Bench, the barre and the gentlemen following one after another round the hall, + when the Mr of Revells comes by the vpper barr table he calls musicke, + then when he comes to ye skreene he calls musicke then the musicke plays then prsently after the Masters of the Bench sitt downe at the vpper end of the hall, + then all the gentlemen joyne hands and dance 2 short tunes and then barr pass over to still right against them. Then the Master rises and makes his honr to ye Masters of the Bench and then calls for the Quadryan Pavin &c.
Mr Butler Buggins, his relation of ye Measures danced in the Inner Temple Hall