Salmi test semi

Document TypeSemi-diplomatic
Other editions:
  • modernised
  • modernised
  • semi-diplomatic
  • modernised


1TRvlj mj ſôul waiteth upon God: from him kumethmj ſaluäſion. 2 Hï önlj iz mj rok & mj ſalvāſion:Hï izmj defens. J ſhal not bi grëtlj {n. p.} müved.3 Hou long wil yï imaʒin miſchïf againſt a man? yï ſhal biſlain âl of yü: az a bouing wâl ſhalyibï:and aza totering fens. 4 Ðëi önlj konſult tu kaſt himdoun from his exſelenſj, ðëi deljt in ljz: ðëi bles with ðëirmouth, but ðëi kurs inwardlj. Selah. 5 Mj ſöul wait ðou önljupon God: for mjexpektaſion izfrom him. 6 Hï önlj izmj rok & mj ſalväſion;Hïizmj defens; J ſhal not bi müved.7 In God izmj ſalväſionand mj glöri: ðe rok of mj ſtrength andmj refvʒ izinGod. 8 Truſt in him at âl tjmzyi pïpl; pour out yür hart biför him: God iza refvʒ for us. Selah. 9 Svrlj men of löu degrï ar vaniti,andmen of hj degrï ar a lj: tu bi laid in ðe balans, ðëiar âltogeðerljħter ðenvanitj.10 Trust not in oppreſion, bikum not vainin roberj: if richez inkrës, ſet not yür hart uponthem.11 God hath ſpökn öns; twjsvJ härd ðis,ðatpour bilongethuntoGod. 12 Ælſo unto ðï,ô Lord, bilongethmerſi: for ðourendereſt tu everjman akkording tu hiz wurk.


1GOdbi merſiful vntu us,and blesus:and kauz hiz fäs tu ſhjn upon us. Selah. 2 Đat ðj wäi mäi biknöun upon ërth, ðj ſävinghëlth among âl näſions. 3 Let ðe pïpl praiz ði, ô God; let âlðe pïpl prais ðï. 4 O let ðe näſions bi glad, and ſing forʒoi: for ðou ſhalt ʒuʒ ðe pïpl rjħteuſlj, & governðe näſionz upon ërth. Selah. 5  Let ðe pïpl praiz ðï ô God;let âl ðe pïpl präiz dï. 6 Đen{C3} ſhal ðe ërth yïld hir inkrës; andGod, ïvnour öun God,ſhal bles us. 7 God ſhal bles us, and âl ðe endz ofðe ërth ſhal fër him.


1Singuntu ðeLord a nvſong: ſing untu ðeLord âlðeërth. 2 Sing untu ðe Lord, bles hiz näm: ſheu fürth hizſalväſionfrom dai tu dai. 3 Dëklārhiz glöri among ðe hëðen: hiz wunderz among âl pïpl. 4 For ðeLord izgrët, and grëtlj tu bi praized: Hï izto bi fëred abuvâl Godz. 5 For âl ðe godz of ðe näſions arjdolz: but ðe Lord mäd ðe hëvnz. 6Onor& Mäʒeſtj arbiför him:ſtrength& beuti arin hiz ſanktuarj. 7 Givuntu ðe Lord (ô yï kindredz of ðe pïpl) givuntu ðe Lord glöri and ſtrength.

8Givuntu ðe Lord ðe glöri dvuntuhiz näm: bring an ofring and kum intu hiz kürts.9Owurſhip ðeLordin ðebeuti of hölines:fër bifor him âl ðe ërth. 10 Säi among ðe hëðen ðat ðe Lordrëineth: ðe world âlſo ſhalbi eſtabliſhed ðat it ſhal not bimüved:Hï ſhal ʒuʒ ðe pïpl rjħteuſlj. 11 Let ðe hëvnzreʒois, & let ðe ërth bi glad: let ðe ſë rör and ðefulnes ðërof. 12 Let ðe fïld bi ʒoiful, & âl ðat izðerin: ðen ſhal âl ðetrïz of ðe wud reʒois.

13Biför ðe Lord; for Hï kumeth, for Hï kumeth tu ʒuʒ ðe ërth:Hï ſhal ʒuʒ ðe world with rjħteuſnes, & ðe pïpl with hiztrvth.


1Ðe LORD rëineth.let ðeërth reʒois:let ðemultitvdof ðejlzbiglad ðerof.{n. p.} 2Kloudz& darknesarround about him:rjħteuſneſandʒuʒementar ðehabitäſion of hiz thrön.

3A fjer goeth biförhim: & burneth up hiz enemjz round about.4Hiz ljħtningz inljħtned ðe world: ðe ërthſau,& trembled. 5 Ðehilz melted ljkwax at ðeprezenſ of ðeLord:atðeprezenſ of ðeLord of ðe whöl ërth.

6 Ðe hevenſdeklär hiz rjħteuſnes: & äl ðe pïpl ſï hiz glöri. 7KONfounded bi âl ðëi ðat ſervgrävn

jmaʒez,& böſt ðemſelvzof jdolz: wurſhip him âl yi godz. 8 Sion härd, & waz glad, &ðe dauħterz of Iuda reʒoiſed: bikauz of ðj ʒuʒments , ô Lord.

9Forðou Lord arthjħ abuvâlðe ërth: ðou artexaltedfar abuvâlgodz. 10 Yï ðat luvðe Lord, hät ïvl;Hï prezervethðe ſöulz of hiz ſaints: Hï deliverethðem out ofðe hand of ðe wiked. 11Ljħt izſöunfor ðerjħteus,and gladnesfor ðeuprjħtin hart:12ReʒoisinðeLord, yïrjħteus:and gïvthanksat ðeremembransofhiz hölines.


BLesðe Lord, ô mj ſöul: ô Lord mj God ðou art verigrët: ðouart klöðedwith Onor & Maʒeſtj.

2Whü kuvereſtðjſelfwith ljħt, az with a garment:Whü ſtrecheſt out ðe hevnzljk a kurtain;

3Whü laieth ðe bëmz of hiz chamberz in ðe wäters; whü mäkethðe kloudz hiz charet: whü walketh upon ðe wingz of ðe wjnd. {n.p.}

4Whü mäketh hiz angelz ſpirits: hiz miniſterz a fläming fjer. 5Whü laid ðe foundäſionz of ðe ërth: ðatitſhüld nou bi remüvedfor ever.

6Ðoukuvereſtit with ðedïpaz witha garment: ðe wäterz ſtüd abuvðe mountainz. 7 Atðjrebvkðëifled:at ðevoisof ðjthunder ðëihäſtedawai.8Ðeigo up bjðemountainz,ðeigo doun bj ðevalleizuntu ðepläswhich ðouhaſt founded for ðem.9Ðouhaſt ſet a bound ðatðëimai not pasover:ðatðeiturnnot again tu kuverðeërth. 10 Hï ſendeth ðe ſpringz intu ðe valleiz;whichrun among ðehilz. 11 ðëi givdrinktu evrjbëſt of ðe fïld: ðe wjld aſes quench ðëir thirſt. 12 Bj ðemſhal ðe foulz ofðe hevnhävðëir habitäſion which ſing among ðe branshez. 13 Hï wäterethðe hilz from hiz chamberz:ðeërth iz ſatisfjed with ðe frvt of ðj wurkz. 14Hïkauzeth ðe grastu gröu for ðekatel,and herb for ðeſervisofman: ðathïmai bringforthfüd out of ðeërth.

15Andwjn ðatmäketh glad ðehart of man, and oiltumäk hizfäs tu ſhjn. and brëd whichſtrengthneth mans hart. 16 Ðe triz of ðeLord ar ful ofſap:ðeſëdarz of Lebanon which Hï hath planted. 17 Whër ðebirdz mäk ðëirneſts: az for ðeſtork ðefir trïz arhir hous. 18 Ðe hjħ hilz ara refvʒ for ðewjld göts: andðeroks for ðekuniz. 19 Hï apüinted ðemün for ſëznz; ðeſun knöueth his going doun. 20 Ðou mäkeſt darknes, and it iznjħt: whërin âl ðebëſts of ðeforeſt du krïp fürth. 21 ðeyung ljonz rör after ðeirprai, and ſïk ðëirmët from God. {n. p.}

22Ðe ſun arjzeth, ðeigaðerðemſelvztugeðer,and lai ðem doun in ðëir denz. 23 Man goeth fürth untu hiz wurk:and tu hiz läbor, until ðeïvning.

24O Lord hou maniföuld ar ðjwurks? in wizdum haſt ðoumäd ðemâl: ðeërth iz ful of ðjrichez.

25So iz ðisgrët & wjd ſë, whërin ar thingz krïping innumberabl, böthſmâl and grët bëſts. 26 Ðër go ðeſhips; ðërizðatLeviathanwhümðouhaſt mäd tu plai ðërin.27 Ðëz wait âl upon ðïðatðoumaiſt givðemðeirmët in dv ſëzn. 28 Đat ðougiveſt ðemðëigaðer:ðouöpneſt ðjhand, ðëiar filled with gud. 29 Ðou hjdeſt ðjfäs , ðeiartrubled: ðoutäkeſt awai ðëirbreth ðëidj, and return tu ðeir duſt. 30 Ðou ſendeſt fvrthðj ſpirit, ðei ar kreäted: and ðour enveſt ðe fäs of ðeërth.

31Ðe glöri of ðeLord ſhal indvr for ever:ðeLord ſhal reʒois in hiz wurks. 32 Hï lüketh on ðeërth, and it trembleth: hï toucheth ðehilz and ðeiſmōk.33 J wil ſing untu ðeLord as long az J liv:J wil praiz mjGodwhjlJ hävmjbïing. 34 Mj meditäſion of him ſhalbi ſwït: I wilbe glad in ðeLORD.

35Let ðeſinerz be konſumed out of ðeërth, and let ðewiked be no mör: bles ðouðe Lord, ô mj ſöul. Praizyï ðe LORD.
